How'd it go today?

Took the deposit on the big job yesterday and went to put a deposit on another trailer today.
Also did a consult out in the boonies while I was at it.
I originally bid this job out as 35-38 trees I knew would be dead. Now she is losing the cedars as well. All on an acre lot. The marm tree with 3 tops is 150 tall not 10 foot from the house. 48" dbh. Now counting 45 trees dead. Told her, more money.
Hard to see from all the pictures, but there is a pink ribbon on all but three evergreens on the lot. She'll have some oaks left. Job starts Monday.


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Indeed. I removed hazard dead from them last fall and winter. Another aborist before me prior. We even had a head start removing the infested trees over the last few years for prevention. Unfortunately, the neighbors did not. Unfortunately, the put water restrictions on the community as well. No water, warm weather, more bugs. Dead trees.
spent a couple hours taking out a dead pine in the wind and rain...I judged it too windy to do the elms in back so will go back tomorrow.
Spent the first two hours this morning flopping three pines across a street in a cul-de-sac neighborhood. (They guy I was working for made it okay with the residents). Then on to a mammoth pine in the back yard...90'-ish feet tall, forked at about 30', with nearly all the limbs on the wrong side. Spent 3-1/2 hours in the saddle getting it topped out, then flopped a 60' forked spar. He asked if I wanted to climb another pine down the street....I said NOT TODAY!
Got home about 830 tonight. Did 3 big crane jobs today, last one we were sailing logs and trees by spot light. Boss seems to be quite happy. So far this week I've killed over a hundred trees for him between woods trees and residential. Everyone on the crew is finally clicking. And me and nick seem to be in a great groove, almost no communication even needed
Looks like we finally found an apprentice.
It was slow going. We've had 5 different ones on trial and fired all of them again.
3 smokers, one out of shape guy and one who lost his driver's license for having smoked weed at a rock festival and driving home. ( That doesn't bother me, the rules regarding THC and traffic are ridiculous here, but no license, no job).
So today we had 2 prospective candidates in for talks.
As usual we did the talking part 120 feet up in an old beech tree.
Both were actually good, and I think the one we chose will work out ok.

Time will tell.
Went and topped out three pines for a guy I climb for this morning. He'll flop the spars later and clean it all up.

Got the fire going out back for cooking. Today is my wife's birthday, and she chose beef stew, biscuits and apple pie cooked over coals. Fixing to get with it.
Glad things went well for you this week Nic...

Stig, as always best of luck with the new guy...

Rigged one dead Ash out from over a County drain (creek), then another from over a deck...3rd tree was a large Elm on it's last legs that I got up in, my little guy inside was screaming NO, and came back down...going to try and get permission to drop it form the ground, partially in the back of the neighbors' property.

Got home and received a call from a Co. I'd talked to quite a while back asking me to come 2 1/2 hours North for a few days each week until they end their season...told them I'll have to be able to work it out schedule-wise with...
Dang Treesmith, I just got home and read your post. Now I'm not hungry, I'm craving. Sounds real good on a chilly day.

Went and did a climbing removal for the county this morning. Tall, skinny cotton weed in the center of the creek. Been pushing it off for the last few days because of wind and proximity to the power lines. It went great considering we were a man short with a 400 foot drag to the chipper. We then went over to another county project to lend a hand to one of our other crews. It was a great day.
Good call on that little voice Dave. Elm (at least around here) are notorious for the roots rotting out while the trunk remains hard as a rock.