
Yeah, there's always tomorrow, eh Mick?

Jed, in order to avoid collateral damage to other trees we have to put some of the top across the property line onto the neighbors'. No one was home when I was there. Boss lives nearby and has phone numbers, so he obtained permission.
Kind of a different deal working for these guys...tree guy gradually going out of business (currently doing bids and grinding stumps), while all money goes through, and labor is supplied by, his friends larger company (landscraping and dune grass sales) who is taking it over...I deal mostly with the grass guy, and see eye to eye with him well with respect to safety and integrity issues...the retiring tree guy not so much...
I always liked the hard covers best but they outlawed 'em at Duke after our serviceman took his off, a wind caught it and sailed him off the back of the truck and knocked him out.Ray: Yeah, but it's got a hole right in the middle, and they won't buy a new one.
You've got to pull the pin to dump the rain out, like every other day.
I would say you deserve any easy run of things for a while.Kinda had an easy day today. 4 dead ash removals which were easy. Clean up sucked since they were back yard with a 30" gate. Then went up the road to dead wood a bunch of oaks. Did all the bucket work and set six different throw lines for the climbing trees tomorrow. Should go pretty quick. Just a few cuts on each tree. It's supposed to be beautiful weather all week. Hoping it last for a while
I made you a new avatar if you want, Pete.
It's like you're looking at us...