How'd it go today?

Doesn't look much different than yesterday but we actually got a good bit accomplished. We only worked on it till one because of the long days we put in this week. More of the same though. Tie everything off twice and sling the 046 around.
After work I went and did some trimming and then home to take the kids to a Halloween thing. This guy built a pirate ship in his yard and had a haunted tour. It was cool. The kids loved it.
i've seen guys refill a chainsaw with a cigarette in their mouth, a lit one.

House looking good, Scott, I don't recall seeing a brick foundation before. The foundation seems tall, for storage or a proper basement in there?

The brick is merely a covering for the concrete block wall that supports the house, Jay. People often just paint the concrete block. I prefer the brick facade. just dresses it up a bit...beyond that, it serves no real purpose. There will be room under the house for some storage, though there is no finished space beneath.
That's looking real good Scott.8)

Are those the stink bugs we have here, I wonder? Ive never had to battle em at work, those things are nastyyyyyyy!

Pretty similar I think. Grey ones in pines, they don't bother you much but orange and black in citrus. They like to spray you in the eyes, that's no fun and anywhere else it stings a bit and itches plus you end up with orange spots on your skin. Takes a couple days to get rid of that. They're bad from now till it gets hot.

index.jpg . index2.jpg

Did the school job today, nice and quiet compared to yesterday. Home by 1.30.
The brown ones are nasty, we have those, the smell itself isn't that bad but it is super strong and hard to remove.
Geeze, we havent got anything like that here.

What are you studying for woodcollector?

We went to my great aunt's funeral today. She was the last of the Conrads. My grandfather had a brother and three sisters, they are all gone now. Well, i should not say last, my dads family is the last of the folks with the last name Conrad.

We were going to go to a farewell party Sunday for the fellow that hosted my wife in the ag exchange. He had terminal cancer and wanted to die at home after a get together. He came home friday night and died this morning. Pretty sad, he left behind a wife and 4 kids. He was just 54. My wife lost her mother to cancer when she was 9, so it pretty hard. She was quite close to the fellow.

I wanted to thank him. If he had not hired my wife I would never have met her and started a family. I did not get the chance to say thanks. I am glad he is not suffering anymore.
Back home...had fun playing a gig at a popular local pub. We played first of 3 bands, so had ample time for a sound check and got out early. the older kid (21), who is the leader, said he doesn't know how much we might have made but will get it to me tomorrow...haha, I told him to split it between him and the other guitar won't be much and they probably need it more than I do...

Wow Jim...good lesson to all...say what you should, or want to, today...never know about tomorrow...
I am studying for my Higher School Certificate (HSC) I have already done 3 of my 6 exams. the first 3 were English, Maths and Senior Science. The next ones are the fun subjects to do Construction, Metals and Engineering and the last Woodwork. At least once all my exams are over I will have a bit more time to do my volunteer work RFS and Scouts. Plus doing a bit of paid work around the place with friends.
Sorry for the loss of your friend, Jim. Devastating for his family, no doubt. Older people when they get terminal cancer, their bodies don't have all that much resistance to live compared to a younger person. A guy 54 is pretty young, I guess there can be different scenarios, but often with having general good health in other areas, they don't depart until the disease beats the living shit out of them like an angry dog shaking something in it's jaws. A terrible losing fight and horrible to observe.
Sorry to hear Jim.

You're right there Jay. My brother in law and uncle both went at 45, it's a terrible thing to see what they have to go through.

Pulled down my old chicken shed. I remember saying "I wouldn't like to be the guy that pulls this down" when I put it up. Didn't plan on it being me, I sort of build things to last a while.:(
Way too young, sorry to hear that Jim. When I hear of people like that who are younger than I am it really brings home how short and temporary this life really is.
We got the siding finished on the bathroom dormer...missed the first quarter of the 'Bama/Tennessee game, but caught the rest of it.

I love the houses that you guys have.
For many years it was a dream of mine to build an American style house here with front and back porch.
Then I ended up buying my old farm and money were always tight, so I just fixed that up over the years.
Still, every time i visit the US, I see a lot of houses that really catch my fancy.
I love their front porch...62' long, and extending 18' back on the left end...16' back on the right. I'd have built a wraparound on mine, but I couldn't afford it at the time.

I'm looking forward to seeing it finished.

I am too! I can't remember the last day I went without having to devote some thought toward it. I love framing, but past that, I don't care much for building. It seems you work all day, and can hardly see anything accomplished.
Well then all you need is a time lapse vid of the whole process!
Enjoyed the build process.
Morning. Paperwork, change teeth on grinder, change bucket on tractor.
Lunch. Then mow lawn, plant new border in garden, walk dog, sleep on sofa, Sunday dinner, drink, Telly. Bed (in a bit)
Well then all you need is a time lapse vid of the whole process!

Started out with that, Cory. I wanted to set the GoPro at about 15-minute interval...but 1 minute is tops. WAY too many frames! I want to put together a montage once we're done, with pictures of the old house before the fire, the rubble cleared, starting over, and the finished house.
Spent a leisurely morning enjoying the sun & waiting for things to dry out....then, 4 hours firewooding, stacking and chipping a small Ash.

Young German Shepherd (dragging a leash) visited from the neighbors and really didn't like my saw running, so shut it down and set it sniffs muffler...burns nose...At least she quit trying to attack it. Owner then showed and took her back home.:|:

I'm a bit sore...haven't done that much ground work in quite a while.