How'd it go today?

Grendel: Nice Hinges!

Rich: PIG!!! Dang!! Oh... and get a set of cans... your shins will thank you, long johns or no.

Gary: Thats some good holding wood in a pine like that. Looks like you knew what you were doing. Looks like your dogs are slipping a bit on that facecut though. Bit of a wobble in there. work.

Imho, bore cutting is a much overused practiced unless one finds oneself in Denmark where there is an apparent shortage of appropriate cutting attachment equipment. :P
I'm wondering if the casing on the 290 fits another size saw. From what I know the 290 is considered mid-range. Not quite a pro saw but more than a home owner saw. If the case could fit a different model maybe the steel dogs are an upgrade for the midrange saws.
I've got two of those 290's. The guy offered them to me so cheap I had the serial numbers run to make sure they weren't hot. A buddy of mine did a muffler mod and advanced the timing. Really woke them up.
Gary, shave the bark from the hinge area and the back of the tree in order to know where your bark ends and your wood begins. if you don't reach through at the hinge, you can work your way back Toward your rear shaved area, knowing accurately how much backstrap you have. your bar will pop out at some point on a typical shaped can go to the other side and put the bar nose in, then cut up to the hinge on the far side before going for the final backstrap set-up, and release cut.
I've modded my own dogs a couple times. Soooo much cheaper and you can make em any size that you want. Cutting torch and grinder. Easy peasy.
Gary, shave the bark from the hinge area and the back of the tree in order to know where your bark ends and your wood begins. if you don't reach through at the hinge, you can work your way back Toward your rear shaved area, knowing accurately how much backstrap you have. your bar will pop out at some point on a typical shaped can go to the other side and put the bar nose in, then cut up to the hinge on the far side before going for the final backstrap set-up, and release cut.

Smarty!! That is exactly what I did...mostly. I shaved the bark on one side when I realized my bar was short. I understand better now why I see trees (usually much bigger) with shaved sides here at the House.

I did end up angling my bar towards the back so the tip exited at about 8:00 (calling the face cut 12:00). Finding the bore channel that way let me finagle my way to the backstrap/wedge stuff.

Imho, bore cutting is a much overused practiced unless one finds oneself in Denmark where there is an apparent shortage of appropriate cutting attachment equipment.

hahaha...I thought about three things when I realized the bar was too short:

1. Stig
2. I should have used my MS650 with 36" bar
3. Bore cutting is over-rated.
A guy showed me a trick I've used a lot with using bore channels on crane picks right next to a structure. He taught to clean out the middle of the tree from different sides and leave a couple of inches of holding wood at the outside at two or three opposing sides. Trip by cutting down at an angle above the holding wood spots, figuring out what cutting order is best with lean and where the boom is. The log gets held in a little cradle by the ears left in the stump, before the lift. Every now and then useful and tries out saw handling skills.
Hope your eye is ok Jed.

Work's a bit quiet but I've been pretty busy anyway. Stumps yesterday and stink bug riddled citrus today, just chucked everything in the washing machine when I got home.

School job tomorrow, [Saturday] just a trim. Should be a bit easier than it would have been today, the dreaded power line clearing company was there when I arrived so I left for the stink bug job.
Had a three day week, since the guy left in charge canceled today without an ok from the boss. Then got asked to leave town on a 4 hour drive at 10 am to work till sat then come home. I won't be playing that game even once. Sometimes I think I'm just surrounded by morons. Never could understand waiting till the last minute and then rushing to get it done. At this rate those trees will be seasoned firewood before we get logging
About 2 months ago a local guy that I have felled trees for previously asked me for a price on dropping a large dead horse chestnut by his house.
Both times I've worked for him, he has complained , bitched and moaned about the price, so I really didn't want to deal with him again.
Anyway, I looked at the tree and told him 350 bucks to put it on the ground.
Straight enough fell, but with the house on one side and a major highway on the other, you need to be a competent faller to pull it off ( Horse chestnut hinges real bad and doesn't get better when dead!!)
So the guy starts complaining that it is too much, and I just told him to find someone else.
Over the last 2 months his grandson has managed to climb up and remove most of the branches, except the ones towards the highway.
So when it goes wrong, it'll really go wrong.
½ hour ago Sam started barking and lo and behold, the guy is at my door, asking me to come down and help them out.
He figured that since they had removed most of the branches, I'd do it a lot cheaper.

I told him that my price hasn't changed, but that I don't fall trees that others have screwed around with.

Be interesting to see if they drop it across the road.
In a similar vein....I went to quote a job for a pine dismantle between a house and garage, nothing tricky.
The guy was trying everything to get the price down. "Leave the branches" he said I told him that I have a guy who works for me and that it's the same price to chip and remove the chip. Bearing in mind that it's easier to lower the branches on a rope and chip them at the base rather than drag them away from the tree. So he then emails me to say that I'm too expensive (presumably cheaper than anyone else though) and that to make things cheaper how about if I just cut the top to say 6 meters and he'll deal with the rest, I explained that to cut the top I'd need to remove the lower branches to get the stuff down safely, "fine" he says "do that" so I say that he wants me to leave a stump of 6 Meters that will take me around 30 seconds to fell, why would I give him any money off for that? Went quiet then.
Planned on getting some work done today but thins kept popping up & getting in the way. Spent the better part running my sister to stores and on the phone.

Looks like Sunday is a work day, as tomorrow is filled with driving my Sis and playing music...
Finished siding the back of the house today, and then the bay window. Hoping to get the second-floor bathroom sided tomorrow.

Man, you got skills. Well done.

Stig and Mick: What Butch said.

Steve: Thanks heaps mate. My eye is already 90% recovered... just scared us half to death. Seems to get better every day now, thanks be to God.
I am currently studying for my last 3 final year exams. I noticed a Care Flight helicopter circling around on Thursday and found out later that a 23 year old tree lopper got burnt quite badly when the chainsaw that he was refuelling exploded.
stink bug riddled citrus today, just chucked everything in the washing machine when I got home.

Are those the stink bugs we have here, I wonder? Ive never had to battle em at work, those things are nastyyyyyyy!

Finished off an easy week, fell and grinds, early Friday finish. Cup of tea, doze on the sofa, then down the pub. Golden days!

golden days indeed!
i've seen guys refill a chainsaw with a cigarette in their mouth, a lit one.

House looking good, Scott, I don't recall seeing a brick foundation before. The foundation seems tall, for storage or a proper basement in there?