How'd it go today?

Great pictures guys.

Cory, We take care of the lake pretty well. Not a lot of industry on our end. Can't speak for everyone though. . .

whipcrack rope ends hey Jed! ugh. . . I got smacked on the wrist once pulling down from a tree, thought it broke my freakin arm! Hope you eye heals well.
Jed, sorry for the eye but glad to read yu should get the sight back in it...good lessons are the ones we live through.

Rich, good luck on that nasty beast.
Heal up Jed

Gary, I would be all over mesh eye pro except for those reasons you mentioned. Be great if they could make something that could take the high speed stuff.
Sorry to hear about the eye, Jed...I have gotten hurt before, too, not doing the "tree work" but the ancillary "safe" coiling ropes, pulling my snap back to me thru a crotch and almost getting busted in the face, etc.

I have started wearing the TreeStuff mesh glasses pretty much all the fog and constant eye protection.

Though I went to a chainsaw safety class last week and the instructor made me realize the mesh is probably not good for projectile protection (like if a piece of chain metal breaks off at speed and hits you...I had not thought of that scenario until he brought it up...I always figured wood chips were the main worry...guess plastic wedge chips could be a problem, too).

Was that fractured top cut a Coos Bay type cut...the hinge wood looks triangular.

Was the trunk fractured before you made your cut?

Thanks you guys... really appreciate the warm wishes.

Nah, Gary, it was just a double-cut. I've only got a 14" bar on my top-handle right now, and where I wanted to take the top was about 17", so I was whittling from both corners. On the back cut, I had cut-up my far corner really well, so that I could hammer my first wedge in nice and far without having to worry about coming back to cut up more wood on that side. Thing is: I really misjudged now much limb weight I had in my favor, and the darn thing busted out before I could get very much cut up on my near corner.... that, AND I cut in on a completely different plane as the pic indicates. :|: I mean... all's well that lands well, I guess... I just consider it really shabby workmanship. To me: every hinge that you cut up should be a nearly perfect reflection of your original intention. If not: you could end up putting the top into another tree that would flip it back into yourself, unnecessarily bang up other trees, or worse.

I'm thinking about running mesh too Gary. The penetration possibility really doesn't worry me much, but now might be a good time to admit that earlier this fall, I was running a 660 without chaps when my chain came into contact with a small rhododendron stem that was pinned under a big, windfallen Hemlock I was bucking. Dang square grind chain (with low stops) I was running, bucked through the log, bucked through the 3/8's" diameter Rhodie stem, at a nice sharp angle, and then drove the dang thing through some Wild Ass jeans and about 2" into my right calf muscle. :X Healed like a champ though... :D Still... skipping Personal Protective Equipment in this trade is just extremely stupid. Learn from the inbread. Oh yeah... I'm not inbred anymore! Time to start wearing what the smart guys do.
Ive been wearing chaps pretty regular lately, which is real easy to do in cool weather, but in hot weather, damn its almost impossible for moi. Of course, the more you wear them, the more you feel naked and or dumb without them, which encourages further wearing.

Jed. You changed your S/N.
Jed......Good 'splainin' on the top cut...thanks.

I have one to post soon of a spar cut I made with a 20" bar...I didn't realize when I bore cut to set the hinge it was a 22" spar. I got creative with finding a way to find my partial bore cut...but it took a bit of messing around as I ciphered it all.

Glad the leg healed thing about the House...I have caught myself considering shortcuts sometimes and then hear the collective voices of the House saying, "Really???? Are you really serious about doing it that way?"

Then I take the extra time to just do the things that are really part of the proper process.

The guys here have made me safer.
Looking at scheduling a removal, the tree not my wife. Some time since I cut any older Zelkovas these days with them more protected than not, but the owner wants it out. The location is down some narrow lanes, but the kindly guy in the new car sales place just put in directly behind the tree, said I could use his lot for the crane to sit and whatever, with good access. Way in the back, he's got some extra room there. Why they want it out, the leaves going into the lot. Thoughts of it's a shame creeping in. I reckon a 150-200 year old tree. There used to be these big to much bigger ones all over, a much respected tree with a revered wood for woodworking. Need to get the crane guy to take a look.


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Apologize to our creator, bow to the superior nobility of the tree n feed your family humbly. IMO.

Yep. It might entail a little ceremony from a priest at the local shrine coming out, before humans shatter the spirit. A few extra bucks but some slight feel better. Fewer dirty looks from the neighbours.
My job today's a prime example of the pinball nature of life

40 foot beetle(Ips) kill Stone pine in proximity to high voltage lines, over a large propane tank. My pals at Davey had long ago taken out the central leader closest to high voltage of a triple leader tree, leaving only two leaders sprawling over home n proprane tank

My previous job job in this area cost me a hundred bucks because I mistook the client's beetle kill pine for a smaller tree, I had trimmed years before. But it was a dead Monterey, tangled up in the cable lines, and real close to the high voltage lines. So rather than 30 minutes, it took me 5 hours, and I'd quoted him a price of one Benji, cuz he was a friend of my firewood pickup bros. But I stuck to my word afterward, told him a hundred n we're good, after which he paid with a check for 125 out of guilt!

So first thing this morning, I tell my client 2 benji's to get his nightmare safely on the ground regardless of whether it takes a couple of hours, or all day?

So I'm bailing at eleven am with 2 bills cash, arrive at my older brother's house at twelve with a 12 pack, whereupon his neighbor's wife recognized my truck, came over and reintroduced herself to my brother n I, said her brother had just passed away, and offerered to sell me his 03 ford Exploerer 4X4 for 5 bills to help pay her brother's cremation costs?

So a 2 bill day, developed into a 2K day, while drinking brews with my bro!

I keep expecting her hubby to come by n ring my neck, but he's an extremely well paid electrician n cool dude!

Bizarre day even for me.

I actually prefer dead conifers as long as the needles are still intact!

No stinkin sap!
Started out as a fair day...took down a water oak for a "tree guy" I climb for. $220 in 100 minutes. Then back to work on the house some more. Got a fair bit of cement board siding on...

that looks Great Treesmith!

Firewood gamefilm 8)

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Well here's what's left after day two. We got most everything that was overhanging anything. The last top will come down once I get the wood out of the way. It was a tiring day putting two different lines ( plus a tag line) on every piece. The boys are all whooped as well. The last pic was for perspective. He's 6 foot tall.
Here is where I made a spar cut with a 20" bar...I didn't realize when I bore cut to set the hinge it was a 22" spar. I have read about boring to set the hinge and thought I would try it. I had a pull rope for insurance with some light tension on it as a precaution. They tree had a slight lean away from the direction I wanted it to go. I bored through but no tip came out...oops. I went to the blind side and cut vertical a few inches into the tree to hope to find the bore channel. Finally worked it out so I could get some wedges into the back cut and cut the back strap to find the tree setting on the wedges. I pounded them alternately until the tree top started moving to the lay...when my bud in the pull truck saw the line start going slack from the wedges he put the tension back into it and all went where it should.

But I was half flustered getting the bore/backcut mess dialed in...would have been simpler to just face cut, backcut, wedge, pull. I just chalk it up to one of those times I get to mess around and learn as I go.


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Not much Cory. Still don't have my elevator back yet. The power company has the primary pushed out of line to get around the tree. The secondaries are about six feet closer to the tree. The primary is at just the wrong height to split phase and with the offset I lose the ability to bring the lower boom over center. It's just a PITA. 9 hours of spur time today.
Almost forgot. I came home to find my dump trailer filled with firewood. The wife and kids loaded it for me. Need to run it to my parents this week end.
9 hours of spur time???? That is pretty nasty. Don't think Ive ever had that pleasure. Hats off to ya
Honestly it was a lot of hanging around waiting on the ground crew to manipulate the pieces down. Only rigging point on the left side was over the roof line. The right side has service lines to fight with. Been wearing long johns on climbing days lately and that seems to help comfort the Spurs
Gary is that a ms290 (029)?
Grendel for some reason on certain stihl saws they have plastic dogs that they cover with the steel ones
Gary is that a ms290 (029)?
Grendel for some reason on certain stihl saws they have plastic dogs that they cover with the steel ones

What's up with the dogs on that saw?

Grendel...hahah...y'all ask some of the damndest questions! I have no idea whazzup wit doze dawgs.

Rich apparently knows more than me...Yes, is an MS290. Has been a good it new for Katrina work. I figured those dogs were standard...they came with it. And that is cool..until y'all brought it up I did not realize there were even plastic dogs there. I am sure the steel dogs bite better...glad they are there.

Educate me.