How'd it go today?

No treework for me all week. But the cheques have been rolling in from past work, feels like I one a small lottery :) . And it's Friday could be trouble.:D
ok, got the bench arm rests done while the boys moved in the soil and seeded the backyard lawn area.

Hit the second job, we (3 of us) moved 10 yards of garden soil in 2 hours via wheelbarrow, good time by my standards. I have booked a Bobcat MT55 for Monday to move the remaining 30 yards of lawn soil so the boys can rake and roll the areas to prep for Tuesdays sod install. :D

oops, sorry for the stretch!
Today was a fun pecan TD. I started on it the other day with a bucket, but left the rest for the crane. It went well and the weather was awesome!

That last pic is to scare the trolls off. :drink:
Started with a headache and stuffy head, spent all day on a half day's work Added weakness, stomach pain, and loose bowels along the way and arrived home with chills and muscle cramps all over. Shivered through the hottest shower I could withstand. It was a great day.
I wasn't sick enough and it didn't rain enough to call the day, so ground stump after stump in mild discomfort. I made money though. Had to order a new belt for my stump grinder as it has some voids in it.
Her Birthday is going to cost me around $450 to between food and reserving time at Planet Kid(habitrails for kids).
I got to work with Scotty today, the guy who cut his face with the saw Monday. He's got a nice little scratch running from his cheek up across his eye and onto his forehead, but it wasn't deep and it appears that the plastic surgeon did a nice job of glueing him back together and his scarring will be minimal.

Anyway, today was the first time in 2 years that I saw Scotty wearing safety glasses. I gave him the safety helmet with face screen and muffs along with another pair of new safety glasses. I wasn't pushy, but told him that not having PPE wasn't an acceptable excuse for not wearing it. At least now if he chooses not to wear it, then he won't be able to blame 'the boss' or anybody else.

The boss Dave gets rather irritable and defensive if I make too big of a deal over it or try to make anybody use any sorf of PPE (because he uses none), so I had to keep it light and make it an option rather than a requirement. At least now he has the option.
a thousand bucks? there aint enough cloth for that!

pretty good day, finished 2 good sized jobs and got paid for neither! im waiting for the checks from several jobs to come in so i can feel loaded like squishy:)
I'm talking torrents hosing out of the tree.
Euc Wrecks, nothing to rope but hangers.
Working Fort Baker.

I was drenched to the bone. But hey I got paid and paid off my credit card.

It's not so bad now, with a beer in hand.
Deva, I don't know if you have the loot but I bought the best rain gear at a place called USA Marine in Marin City. I bought foul weather sailing gear made by Gill. The bottoms were foul weather gear and the top was something called a dinghy smock that fit tight around your waist, neck and your wrists. All told it was around $350 but they have lasted until this year and I bought them when we around the time we worked for Swift together.

Here is a pict.
Similar but not the same hat. All my coolest tree work pictures include me with less PPE than could be desired. The job I was doing in that picture would have been perfect for an emergency breakaway lanyard as the big fir tree I was climbing in the background had most of its root ball exposed by the tree next to it falling across the creek below. As is when a thunder cell cam over I unclipped my core line and held it in my hand until the wind subsided. If I had taken the big swing, I am sure my hat would have given me ample protection.