How'd it go today?

Okay, first we want pictures. Second, you better start saving for the wedding! 450$ for a birthday? :\:

G, don't give the poor man a heart attack from nervousness. :O

Let him get her through this, and school, and scaring all the first dates with stories of not being afraid to go back to prison, first. :P
This weeks 2 trees had me worried since the day I got the jobs. Put the final one to rest this morning, THANK GOD. This was a dying Red Maple. The only living portions left were the botttem 2 branches. Everything else was peeling bark. I am really pumped how smooth it went today. It was nice to put it to rest, and have some saddle time.

Only have before picture, left home without camera.
a thousand bucks? there aint enough cloth for that!

pretty good day, finished 2 good sized jobs and got paid for neither! im waiting for the checks from several jobs to come in so i can feel loaded like squishy:)

When my oldest daughter started it was about $600 and by the time the younger one finished it was $1000. It's too bad it costs so much, I think there would be more girls doing it if it wasn't so darn expensive.
smashed fence on friday = 24 bucks n lumber = 2hrs with Peapod fixin it = priceless
ha! wont be long i bet!
slept in till 7:30, had coffee with a friend, bid jobs all over the valley, cut the grass, blew leaves into a pile and took fall photos of my boy in them. busy but relaxing day:thumbup:
Day spent running between the accountants and the tax office here, 12 o clock and i'm bored and stressed already. Stiil its gonna save me £3000 that they miscalculated so no worries there.

Still no tinteweb at home either, gotta drive to the end of the road to pick up wireless or head elswhere so it's becoming a real PITA.
spread, levelled and prepped for turf tomorrow. the mini skid was good times, saved a lot of backache. :D here are a couple shots of the young bucks and one of myself looking stern... ha.

and the young buck videod some of the fun, I didnt realize he went for like 5 minutes d'oh! :|:
<object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value=""> </param> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"> </embed> </object>
My water has been off all afternoon. The County is sleeving the old water lines and the contractor broke the line at the end of the street today. A guy just knocked on my door and said we were under a 48 hour boil water notice but couldn't tell me if I was gonna have water to take a shower tonight. I'm still waiting. :(
Skwerl, sounds like a good excuse to get a room downtown! have a night out and meet some new folks, live it up! :)
A running joke offshore/on a ship is when water was running low you had to do the "buddy shower" system.

I called one of my fishing buddies that lives 2 blocks away. He's on the other side of the break so his water is on. I went over there and took a shower. All sparkley clean now. :D
Damn midnights this week. I don't wanna go :whine:

My job is mind numbingly boring. Take the friggin sink off the converyor and put it on the appropriate pallet.:sleeping:
Jonny, want to come to LeRoy and climb some big fenceline removals for me??