How'd it go today?

My phone was busy today as well. I did a bunch of bids, felled a large dead maple tree and was home before 6:30. Soon I will be finishing the day in the dark. I like winter in the abstract but the lack of sunshine here bites. You can't beat California weather. I even think I miss the pounding rain.
My weeks have been reduced to 2-3 actual working days... pulling in an average of $450.
I honestly have no complaints.
It ain't the best $$$ one would hope for, but this time of year it suits me fine.
Now, to find that "perfect" winter job ???
I saw on the news today that there's another storm brewing in the Gulf of Mexico. They're expecting it to generate $100 per barrel winds....
I'm dealing with back problems....AGAIN. :X :whine:

Getting pretty ticked off and frustrated. I was scared I had a tumor or something, as I'd never felt a knot so big in a muscle....but the PT put that thought to rest.
laid down 400 odd yards of sod, first hour in the morning was sunny with clouds, the next 8 hours was rain. :(
I am pooped.
I am indeed. typing out three estimates, scheduling tomorrow and kinda watching beauty and the geek on the tv behind me.
sheesh.. nut pickers around here...
we (Patrick and I) installed about 400 square yards of turf today.

good solid 10hrs of climbing today, but I'm enjoying a beer now :) Pruned four medium-large sized monkey pod trees, with two other climbers. Man, it almost hurts to type. Well goodnight all.
