How'd it go today?

Squisher, try for the saw scabbard. Probably cheaper than what Sherrill gets.

Hey Deva- It was a flat roof. Why didn't you just get someone on the roof with you cutting the limb off in handleable pieces and the other guy throwing the pieces off the roof? Or is that somehow against safety rules?
Hey Deva- It was a flat roof. Why didn't you just get someone on the roof with you cutting the limb off in handleable pieces and the other guy throwing the pieces off the roof? Or is that somehow against safety rules?

Because it's Cali!!! :D
Hey Brian,

We thought about that and I imagined how tedious and slow that might be.
Plus the roof was super fragile with funk and rot, old army housing.

So I had a guy on the grcs, a guy on the Hobss, and the fourth guy on the winchline.

I think we could have been drinking sodas if we had tables. Just Kidding.

4 guys 5 working hours, one load of chips. Fun times.
Literally set the rigging, started the cut, backed out and had them pull and
each limb was chipped whole.
True. If you can't stand on the roof, then you can't stand on the roof.

Feel free to use that as sig material. ;)
You have a saw scabbard on your bucket? Cool, any pics of that?8)

We use them, I make my own. Super cheap and easy to make. You can make them for the outside of the bucket or inside. Here is a picture of the one on the Spider lift.
I did bids in the morning and flew a bucket in the PM. Still working on the fruitless mulberries. One guy short today. We also had a load of chips but not five limbs more like 25 limbs. Bunch of limbs hanging over the fence into the neighbors place which is an RV storage place and there are 3 motor homes that don't run right under the limbs. Used the cut and chuck method.

My saw scabbard wore out a couple of months ago and I fixed it by bolting a couple of pieces of 1"X1" to the piece of plastic that the old one was hooked to. Covered that with a piece of 1/2" plywood and screwed it into the one bys. Also replaced any of the broken plastic bolts that hold the lip of the liner onto the liner. We also removed the liner and cleaned the bucket out as there was some stuff that had worked it's way in there. Good as new.
What do you make them out of? Thanks for the pic!8) In a normal bucket it seems like it would be better on the outside I mean more out of the way.
Yah I could see that being an issue, but for cutting and tossing chunks it sure seems like it'd be damn convenient on the outside, but of course then I'd forget and end up ramming my saw into something sooner or later I suppose.
Hey Cyber if you have one of the ATMs that has too much money in it to function properly. We can help you out. You won't even have to tell anyone at work.
What do you make them out of? Thanks for the pic!8) In a normal bucket it seems like it would be better on the outside I mean more out of the way.

Justin I make them out of scrap pvc pipe, 3 or 4 inch pipe. I get short pieces, scraps, or damaged pipe from the local hardware and local plumber.
You can heat them in the oven or a good heat gun. And form them to what ever shape you need them.
I will look and see if I can find a picture of one on the regular bucket truck. I prefer it mounted on the outside on the bucket truck.
Or just make one and take pictures of each step.
Today was a day much like any other... I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die... oh and it rained a bit.
i like my scabbard on the outside also. the one i have currently only works on the inside though
Today was a day much like any other... I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die... oh and it rained a bit.

Rained a bit here last night. My boots were soaked, I had to wear my kid's boots today. I'm having some ice cream now to console myself.
I did a little job this morn and then devoted the afternoon to bidding. I'm a little shellshocked. I bid $30,245. I have the go ahead on $960 -the rest is work in 3 trailer parks. I didn't bid it to get it. I bid it to smile when I got paid rather than curse the jobs if I got them....but ...heavens to murgatroyd! If I get all that I dunno how I'll cope.
well done stumpy! me, here, I have been inundated with fix my retaining wall and install topsoil / turf jobs. good money though. and a few pruning jobs waiting in the wings.
life is going well, baby needs a new pair of shoes! (well, not yet but its going to happen right?)