How'd it go today?

I just got back from lunch and a couple small jobs with my main contractor Dave. Nothing big, a couple hours of piddly stuff. He was without his groundman Scotty because Scotty cut his face with a chainsaw on their first job this morning. Scotty is an old hand, 40ish, been around treework all his life. He's not very fast and he's not very talented but he doesn't drink, shows up on time and has a clean driving record. Unfortunately his little slip resulted in a 10" cut across his face and even cut his eyelid. Don't ask me how he didn't cut his eye.

And no, he doesn't wear safety glasses or any PPE whatsoever. He never has and probably never will. Both he and Dave (the company owner) work in shorts and t shirt with no PPE. I only wonder how much less severe the cut would have been if he had been wearing safety glasses.
Do you think it would be too forward of me to buy one of those helmets with face screen and earmuffs for him?

Of course not. I'm heading over to Bailey's site right now to order one. Maybe two, I can give one to Dave as well (not that he'd ever put it on).

edit: Couldn't find what I was looking for at Bailey's or Wesspur, I'll pick one up at the local saw shop tomorrow.
Good on you Brian!!

All of the subs I work for wear all the appropriate PPE. When Ive been contracted by new companies Ive always asked about their PPE policies.

This past summer I had been hired by a company and when I asked the question they said no they didnt wear it and they didnt even have it. I told them a stipulation for me to work for them, was that anyone working "my tree" or in my drop zone MUST wear PPE or I dont climb. They obliged, but I had to provide it.

FWIW- they hated evrery minute of it too as it was a scorching hot day. As soon as I hit the ground and collected my pay they were real quick to give me back my extra helmets.

Funny- they havent called since....... go figure.
Found what I wanted at Sherrill. Thanks for the encouragement John, I think I'll just buy 3-4 and keep them on my truck.


edited to add: I ordered 3 from Sherrill, they should be here by the end of the week.
Skwerl, fwiw I found that with the face screens it is best to go ahead and glue the piece that the screen connects to on the frame at the front of the hardhat. Mine kept coming loose and that would let chips fly in where I did not want them. I wear mine all the time after I had a saw kick back on me- they work GREAT!:)
Well the job has been NUTS!!! This week even more so. My boss, and the big boss are out of town all week. The second shift guy goes to an air compressor seminar all day tomorrow, so he wont be in at all. I go to the seminar Thursday, so I wont be in all day! Not real good planning if you ask me, but what do I know?
Today, well, I hurt!!!!! Wife and I went around yesterday, I drank too much and stayed out WAY TOO LATE last night!! I think I go to bed at 11:30pm, clocked in at 3:46am this morning. Had a saw go down at 4:45am and a little craziness throughout the day, not too bad though, I just stayed as busy as I could and kept walking!!! I knew if I sat down I was going to sleep, and that is immediate termination, so.....
Clocked out at 12:15pm came home and was on another job at 1:30pm, replacing fascia boards on a house. Got home at 5pm. I think I am going to eat dinner and go to bed.
I think my second wind came and went!!!

I just got done building towers with Bubba and I am getting cross eyed!

FWIW these are the saws we use. Pretty neat, at least I think so. I hadn't ever seen anything like them.
Squerl, thats the lid and shield (the Husqvarna) I have in the truck for myself, then a Peltor setup the same way for the help, about 30 bucks difference between them. Comfy, relativly cheap and if it makes the difference in a mishap, TOTALLY worth the $$
I kind of got in trouble today. I had a job in a back yard that backed up against a city park and the homeowner got permission from a public works guy for me to drive my truck and chipper back there. It is one of those drainge basins that are used as a recreation area as well. Well I kind of tracked things up and the head of the public works saw us working and came and gave me the third degree and asked if I had a business license for that town. Well I didn't. He said go to city hall right now and get one. I shagged over to city hall and paid my $32 and filled out the form. Skwerl they wanted my SS# and I thought about you but I gave it to them anyway. I don't want any more trouble with these guys than I have. I work in this town 4 or 5 times a year. While I was gone to city hall the guys kept working on the tree and I got a call for a bid that was pretty close by so I did that and on the way back I got another call for a bid and I went and did that one as well. I didn't get back to the job until 4:30. My guy was finished with the tree and it looked to be just what the customer wanted. (overthinned) So although I was a bad boy I still made a grand and didn't do hardly any work myself.
Glad it worked out Steve.

Brian, I don't know why people resist hard hats and other PPE so mch.- Chaps I understand-they are awfully hot, but a hardhat is cooler than a ball cap or going bareheaded if a person has dark hair. Additionally, they add so much professionalism to a crew's appearance. I have had one lady tell me that she hired me because she saw me wearing PPE. She said her reasoning was that if I was careful about myself there was a good chance that I would take good care of her trees. I wonder how many people think along those lines but don't spell it out?
Man today was busy!

First class for two hours, then worked at arboretum. Dismantled a massive (would guess 4 ft. diamter at base of limb) fallen albeiza limb that failed a week ago. This sucker had to be 40 - 50 ft long and maybe 20% of the crown, big ol' thing. Anyway, it dropped in a rather precarious situation, kind of hung up on a clif over a trail, then the lower edge was on a cliff.

Had to rope it off to secure while notching for the sky and walking it out in huge sections, lots of fun :)

Then homework until 12:00 tonight... whew off to bed. Goodnight all.

Man today was busy!

First class for two hours, then worked at arboretum. Dismantled a massive (would guess 4 ft. diamter at base of limb) fallen albeiza limb that failed a week ago. This sucker had to be 40 - 50 ft long and maybe 20% of the crown, big ol' thing. Anyway, it dropped in a rather precarious situation, kind of hung up on a clif over a trail, then the lower edge was on a cliff.

Had to rope it off to secure while notching for the sky and walking it out in huge sections, lots of fun :)

Then homework until 12:00 tonight... whew off to bed. Goodnight all.


Sure would be cool if you had some PICTURES!!! A 4 ft. diameter limb? :\: That is awesome.
I'm gonna go do some scouting today.Rifle season opens up Thursday and I need a new place to hunt.I don't want to disturb my existing places until later on in the season.I should be working,but deer season only comes once a year.
I'd rather watch Gigi play with a snake that hear about Darin going to the dentist.:D

Funny you should say that as I just returned from my follow up appointment. It seems I am healing up nicely for my age. I would have taken offense to that if it didn't make me laugh. Fortunately it did.