How'd it go today?

Ha that's what we said, at the ultrasound the radiologist(or whatever they are) said nothing, we walked out were just about to leave and my wife ran back in and begged her to tell us :lol: .
Sorry for the crappy day Paul.

Our tech asked us at the start of the appointment if we wanted to know and told us at the end. The power went out a couple of times during it and I was so freaked I wasn't going to find out - I really wanted to know.

How far along now? They can usually tell pretty accurately at 20 weeks, but can sometimes tell before too.
Went to some more calls, learned how to and how not to do some things, came home, checked out the uniforms, hung them up, and that's the day in a nut shell. :D
Identity theft is on the rise. Bummer Paul.

I watched the Blue Angels practice for fleet week today as we drove around looking for hangers.

5 Guys in the sixpack staring up watching the show as I drove.

Good of ya Paul to cancel everything.
I took down a camphur tree in a back yard, freaking stump had roots going all over the place, spent about 3 hours grinding and the customer wanted all of the grindings disposed of. We had bucket access as he had a RV pad along side the house. One groundie MIA, the other one was a little overwhelmed. Good job Paul.
busy today, hired out the bucket while my guys were working and sent my pickup in to the shop. was supposed to be done by noon and wasnt so had to bid in the bucket truck.
picked up a easy job with some nice black walnut logs!
have to drive 4.5 hours north sat. to bid 15 trees for a county. job must have state funding to call me as an "emerging small business". i guess ill bid it heavy as im real busy here!
That Bronco has left me stranded three times in five months, I don't need points from work because it won't run, or craps out on the way to work!!!!!!

Mine left me stranded at the end of the block today... engine locked up. :(

I guess I'll see what I can do to it. But I'm pretty much, officially looking now.
I think I am going bump Satuday to Sunday, get rid of Sunday entirely and rename what used to be Saturday, "Oddsnendsday." I really don't like working weekends but I am getting swamped and Saturday has become a workday. I always liked Saturday better than Sunday, so Sunday gets the boot.

Today I was hoping to catch up on stump grinding but ended up doing bids and a small trim with Avery/Happy Tree. My new phone book ad seems to be paying for itself rapidly.
put 590 miles on the truck today. went to portland to bid a couple jobs and got to have lunch with my sis and her family
Yesterday I had a very frustrating day. I have one customer that always me to be there at a certain time and there seems to be some global conspiracy to keep me from getting there when I say that I would. This customer has a disabled daughter who needed the secondary wires cleared in her back yard and we had alley access. I'm supposed to be there at 10:00 as I have a 7:00 am on Friday group of guys from my church that I have coffee with at the local starbucks and I had a bid at 8:30.
My guys are supposed to be at my house at 9:30. I get home from my bid about 9:30 and one guy calls and he had to go to Oakland to pick up his grandmother. I call the other guy and he said that his wife is at a meeting and he has to watch his kid until the wife is finished. Fine, I answer the phone and it is a guy wanting a bid and I figure I might as well go do this and get something done so I make a time with him. Now my Dad calls me and says he can't pick up my kid at school because he has to go to the ear doctor because his ear is bleeding from the inside. Now the guy who's wife is at a meeting calls and he is ready. I pick him up and then my kid and leave them at home while I go do the bid. The freaking bid takes forever and I am kind of wanting to land this job so I hang in there.
I finally make it home and then I have to take my kid down to pick up our car which was getting rear brakes on it. I make it back home and my wife wants a ride to the store for Dr. Pepper (really I think she wants cigarettes but she knows I won't give her a ride for that) so I finally get that done and by now it is 1:30. I hadn't looked at this job and we get there about 2:00 and it turns out the customer couldn't make it anyway and there was just the caretaker for the disabled girl and we couldn't clear the secondary line because the tree was growing up into the primary wires. Came back home didn't make a freaking penny all day.
days like that suck but thats the price of freedom for the self employed. you make a killing monday:D
worked the day at the garden center, had a good family supper with all the local relatives, found out my other sister is now with child as wel, 3 months behind us. :) then got home and watched the Formula1 race. Hamilton blew a pit entry and beached his car, Raikonnen won, Alonso #2, Massa #3. That leaves 3 drivers in position to win the drivers championship in the last race, two weeks from now in Brazil. first time since like 1986 or something. Very exciting for F-1 fans. :D like me.

:D Mrs Smith's 'puter was running a tad slow for her 512 memory so she bought what was supposed to be two more 512 sticks.As it turned out she got two 1 gig sticks instead .

I pulled the 512 from mine and put it in her's and the two 1 gigs in mine.Needless to say both 'puters are smokin fast now.:D
Wasn't too long ago that kind of activity would have drained your checking account.
The two 1 gig sticks were 137 bucks,"Tiger direct." I paid twice that for two 64's a few 'puters ago.Kind of funny because about every 3 years the size doubles but the price halves.
When I had my computer job sometimes when the new systems we would put them on the bench for "imaging" and when we powered them up there would be no memory in them. Guys working at the shipping companies or the computer company had stolen the memory from them.
When I had my computer job sometimes when the new systems we would put them on the bench for "imaging" and when we powered them up there would be no memory in them. Guys working at the shipping companies or the computer company had stolen the memory from them.
Hmm,it seems I've lost my memory a time or two myself.I just can't remember when though.:|:
I am trying to clean my garage. If I can get that done then I can do other things like fix my 046 that has been sitting on the bench in pieces and catch up on my receipts.
I'm fixing to eat a mess of red meat and sausage at Doc's, he grilling today. I might ever have a cold beer before 1800 hrs. :/: