How'd it go today?

Way to go LJ.

I took out 2 tulip trees and one maple tree yesterday. Full load of chips in the truck and full load of wood in the trailer. Had an "emergency" job in the morning. The convelescent hospital job I bid a couple of weeks ago called and they said that they were told by the area supervisor that the tree job wouldn't be approved and to do what they could themselves and call it done. Well they got an email early in the AM from corporate back east that it had been approved and they guy had cut all the low limbs off of the trees and the brush was piled there. He wanted the brush gone before some old guy had some sort of accident on it so I went and chipped that brush pile and it was about 20 miles in the opposite direction of my job scheduled for the day. So we didn't get started on our scheduled job until 1:30.
I got in about 8:00 last night and was extremely tired.
"Hello, hello is there anybody in there? Is there anyone home?"

I am two wisdom teeth lighter as of this morning. It all went smooth but the pain got pretty bad for a while around midday. I to two of the pain pills given to me and they didn't seem to have much effect. My only saving grace was renting the whole first season of Heroes and a ton of ice packs. The pain finally went down enough for me to nod off and I just woke up moments ago after hearing my guys return. This was Preston's first time doing tree removals without me. Everything went smooth and I very happy. now I am getting clammy and nauseous. Gotta go.
Layed out, trimmed, measured, and graded about 1000 bf of Black Walnut for a little sale I am having Friday.
I still have all mine, and have been told I get to keep them too.

A benefit of having a big mouth I guess.
Pruned 8 ashes a locust and a plum, and dumped a pear knocked off then to go watch a football game (I don't care about football but Daniel needs encouragement)-I'll have to go back to chip the pear but 'twas a good day.
A big 'ditto' on that, Dave. Best wishes Darin, they told me to gargle with warm salt water when I had mine pulled. It helped a lot. The mouth is the fastest healing part of the body, hopefully you're past the worst of it by now.
Thanks guys. Toppy, I thought for the longest time I would get away without having my wisdom teeth removed. I hope they are right with you. I am forty years old and it still feels like an oddly adult thing to pay for having dental work. Its weird the part of me that still feels like a kid.

Gigi, I would have posted loopy if I felt loopy. I am taking hydrocodone and it doesn't seem to alter me as much as it just makes me get a little nauseous after a bit of being up. I can feel it coming on again.
be well Devon. when I got my upper wisdom teeth out they gave me T3's. I didnt take them though, stuck with reg strength Ibuprofen and it did fine. My lowers are impacted but still in. when (if) they start to act up, they get to go.

My fave memory is when the stitches start to dissolve and you get to pull them out of your gums... thats a weird feeling I tell ya what.
I had all four of my wisdom teeth out when I was 16 years old. They knocked me out to do it thankfully, but the after pain wasn't as bad as I was expecting. I kept my mouth numb with a constant regimen of ice cream.

Hope you heal up quickly Darin.
I am forty years old and it still feels like an oddly adult thing to pay for having dental work. Its weird the part of me that still feels like a kid.

Darin. I know, even though Hillary was 24, I felt like we needed to pay for the wisdom teeth thing. We did and I even took her to the appointment.
I ground stumps from Tuesdays jobs yesterday and did a couple of bids. One in Coulterville which I have now booked a 3 day job next week.

For my wisdom teeth the surgeon gave me Percodans. They did pretty good on the pain but made me feel like you OM, nauseous.

V. we would do that for our kids also.
I don't think I would know how to react if my father offered to help me with anything financial. A year ago when I lost the motor in my bucket truck I mentioned it to him, not asking for help or anything. His reply was preemptive, "I can't get involved with your day to day life, Brian".

Nah, I'm not bitter about it. :roll:
My kids are pretty independent, my wife is actually kind of thrilled to help with something like that. I do have a stepdaughter who has kind of worn out her welcome with "emergencies". But the rest of them haven't.
ok, short story, shitty day so far.

Long story...

Left home, picked up todays helper, went to storage unit picked up tools for the day, stopped at gas station (at 0858 ) and bought a Coke and a dozen bottled water, sounds ok so far yes?

Got to jobsite (at 0910), no sign of 10 yard disposal bin that was ordered for yesterday afternoon drop off. Marked off what we could, tiodied up around the work area and filled both wheelbarrows, still awaiting bin.

Called bin company and the dispatch told me due to the civic workers strike in Vancouver they are way behind, blah bblah. ETA lunchtime.
Called delivery company that was scheduled to deliver aggregate to site in the AM, asked for ETA, figured we had time to kill so we would go find some lunch. Went to Subway and ordered up, got to the payment part, hand the lady the bank card, enter my digits and get informed that it was not processed and the little screen says "daily limit reached". I had cash so I paid up and we walked out.

Helper saw a soccer store across the street, I told him to go look around as I had a few phone calls to make. H obliged as he is a HUGE soccer fan.

Called wife, got the number for our local branch at the bank. Was told that they dont do any account details over the phone so I had to come in, I asked her to freeze my accounts immediately.

Dropped soccerboy off at jobsite with a signed blank check (aggregate was still on the way and COD you see). Told him he knows what the project is so IF the bin and/or the aggregate show up he can do whatever is possible in my absence, for the moment though, I told him to get comfy.

I began driving to the bank (approx 20 minutes in good conditions). Called the number on the back of my Mastercard and had it cancelled, called the number on the back of my Visa, had it cancelled. Both will send new cards post haste.

Got to bank, talked to teller and was hustled to the office of bank guy. Discussed the issue, found a withdrawal at 0834 for $500 at an ABM in Vancouver (minimum 30 minute drive from where I was). Glad I keep my daily cash limit low, I also keep my single transaction low and daily limit for purchases relatively low as their is a good chunk of change in that account. Spent about an hour with bank guy getting new cards for my personal and business accounts, signed an affidavit that I didnt take the cash out myself and had no knowledge of who might have.

Bank guy says the $ should be back in my account within 48 hours.

I go to RCMP detachment and get told that "since the bank is re-imbursing you then they have to come forward with a complaint as you are no longer the victim. To make a complaint since the withdrawal was made in Vancouver you have to go to VPD not RCMP. "

continuing she says that the banks dont like releasing their surveillance tapes so it likely wouldnt get investigated.

my retort was" So you are no longer in the business of pursuing criminals, thats great to hear. Thanks for your time, buh bye."

went back to jobsite, aggregate had arrived, soccerboy was sitting on the pile contently contemplating his navel, no bin.

I tell him to saddle up, this day is DONE. I deposit him at his vehicle and came home.

FWIW I am just now eating that Subway sandwich (2pm now).

ps. foot long club sammich with jalapeno, black olive, tomato, cucumber and honey garlic sauce. I know someone will want to ask.

good news, we are going for our first ultrasound today at suppertime. :)

sigh. back to regular programming!
Damn Paul that sucks! Identity theft is becoming huge. Paul if ya don't already know and want to know sometimes the ultrasound people won't tell ya the big question but if you push them they'll give ya some hints ;)

Oh that is if you guys are far enough along.
we dont care about blue or pink, if we find out fine, if not, fine. :)

oh, in regards to the cancelling of all cards, I didnt know what the extent of compromise was for the situation so I just went for the worst case thing and canned all of them.