How'd it go today?

Soon I'm gonna be getting ready to head out to the big party. Turkey, ham all the fixings and a big old bonfire. Yeehaw!
I'm not doing anything except eating bacon and eggs for breakfast, BLT for lunch, haven't decided on supper but I see no reason why there can't be bacon involved.
Bacon was my first solid food, fwiw.

Had a pistol match today, I tried a gun with a new style of sights, seriously sucked up the first 2 stages, went to my carry gun and did much better in the next two stages, but on the last staged I didn't see 2 targets which really kills one's score. Counts like 4 misses AND 2 failures to engage.

I think I came in 6th overalll, outta 36 shooters. Oh, that's 6th from the end, one guy DQ'ed.

I did sneak over to the 300 yard range with my rifle. I put 3 shots into 1.17", which is roughly 1.5-6 tmes the diameter of a penny.

To put it another way I shot 3 rounds at 2 ping pong balls hanging from a string in a light* breeze 3 rounds, 2 hits, missed the 2nd shot.

*Maybe 2-3mph, barelly enough to be felt on the face, enough to put a gentle swing (maybe a 1".swing) on the balls

That was more fun than the pistols today. First time shooting at 300 yards. Next month I have a 600 and 1k yard rifle match just north of Knowxville, TN.
Not as exciting as L.J.'s day, but I stump grinded my front yard in order to replace the lawn. The Elm roots had taken over.
Raked, and sifted out the roots and then put some composted soil over the top with a bit of fert. Monday I'll lay some sod.

Thats about it
I would be damned lucky to hit a barn with a pistol if I were standing inside of it.I couldn't hit Lake Erie from a rowboat with a bow.I can knock the hair off a flys arse at a 100 yads with a rifle though.Go figure.:(

So much for that.In addition to pepping up the computers I did manage to split a truck load of wood today.Too hot for any more than that.
My shotgun trick is shooting Wally World slugs into COM at 100 yards from a cylinder bore with ghost ring sights.

I haven't shot skeet or trap in a while.

ETA: Something someone might find interesting.

168 grain Serria Match King @ 2800fps=

To go from dead on at 100 yards to dead on (elevation wise) at 1000 yards, my rifle needs to be slanted upwards .5983 degrees from the 100 yard zero. The bullet will take roughly 1.56 seconds to hit the target. Over the 1000 yards, the bullet will "drop" around 375". It will strike the target at 1345fps, with an energy of 675fpe.

Anyone got a protractor handy?
Just watched American History X

I thought about looking the truck over today but said, nope. I'll look at it tomorrow sometime, after I run some errands, and carry my suit jacket to the cleaners for my business trip next week. At least I am off tomorrow... when the banks are closed, so are we.

So much for waiting it out 3 or so months. At least I have one vehicle to use, mom's car, since the van's got an oil leak, and the front struts are completely shot.
I have it recorded on my Dish network box. I thought the scene with the black guy folding the sheets with him in the prison laundry was one of the funniest scenes ever.

LJ, it would take more than a protractor for me to get the answer to that question.
Today was my most productive day since my wisdom teeth were yanked. Alternating Tylenol and Advil allowed me to make breakfast for the family. The Dr. Suess themed green eggs didn't go over big but the pancakes were good. After breakfast I took an hour nap. I cleaned the garage well enough to get to my work bench which mattered later in the day. I mowed the lawn, pulled a trash can full of weeds from the neglected side of the house between me and my neighbor, raked leaves, trimmed my bushes and roses. Haley wanted to get pulled in her wagon for a walk so I loaded her and our glass to recycle in our wagon and walked her the three blocks to the local fire station where they take glass. I brought her back by way of her Grandma's place where she had a snack and then I brought her home.

This evening I cloistered my self in the garage and took up the much delayed task of fitting my 046 with a big bore cylinder. It went smooth and I ended up with no extra parts. It was 8:30pm when I finished so I did not crank up the saw to see if it runs out of respect for my neighbors. Tomorrow morning I will have my moment of truth.
I pretty much did nothing save for computer time and watching TV all day except I investigated a coolant leak in my pickup motor. It would drip down right where the air conditioner drips anyway so it kind of faked me out. It was an aluminum tube going from the intake manifold to the heater core that was (I think) left loose when I put the motor together. I tightened it and I hope all is good.
Today is starting off good, had a guy contact me and want me to come and take a look at some pruning work, that he said he gets done annually on a walnut? Told me outright, without being ask, what he's paid for having it done in the past and he just wants me to do it as he's not happy with the service the other company has been providing. 8)