How'd it go today?

Definitely need pictures! I officially hand over the title of Lyon Arboretum Tree Work Picture Taker. I hope you take this position very seriously Jon. Lots of pictures.:D

The rain came in pretty hard, so I was getting pretty wet and just forgot about taking the pics. Which kind of sucks, oh well. There's plenty more opportunity, next time!

I got to fly a bucket today, no climbing at all. Nothing like an easy deadwooding job! :drink:
Nothing like diving in head first!!!! My boss and the big boss are out of town this week tearing down a saw they are moving here. The backup guy just got in Monday and had to leave early today because his wife was taken to the emergency room for something. In five minuetes, mind you I had nothing going on the previous three hours, my phone blew up!!! I had two saws and a scale go down, in three different buildings!! Which way do you run? The one saw was running by the time I got there, it just "freaks out" every now and again. Ran and fixed the other saw. Called for a repair man on the scale (we get paid by the pound) and was told late this afternoon! Well the second shift guy is out today, the backup is gone, what to do?? He got me a repair guy right away, somehow, and it is FUBAR!! Needs a new frame and all. Can't have one even made until Thursday and overnight shipping is killer on that. We tried this and that bu nothing else works. Just got off the phone with him (yeah, already bringing work home with me) and made the call to overnight it in. Hope it was the right one!!!!
Trial by fire, trial by fire!

Went and worked on a house after work, then went to the dentis, imagine that!! Had two cavities that needed filled Nurse comes in with the needle and I ask what that was for? "You don't want it?" "Nope, in a hurry, drill them and fill them!!" Then went back to the house and finished what I could. AHHH, good times!
Yea, it sucks. The owner did that the first week he had it and won't get around to fixing it.
did some further work at the install project, finished the landscape tie framing, filled and compacted the crusher fines and most of the sand, put down the pavers for the main landing and steps. tomorrow is more compacting, wet saw for cutting pavers and hopefully finish the pavers. then Thursday we go back to build a couple of benches, drop some topsoil to level a big low spot, overseed the backyard lawn and clean it up so I can bill it! :)
If it's like my Altec, there are two turnbuckles on the leveling cables inside the boom. They are accessable behind one of the access panels in the side of the lower boom. Simply loosen the locknuts and tighten/ loosen the turnbuckles to level the bucket.
Or you can loosen the bucket on the shaft and adjust then tighten up.
I started in on the two mulberries that I told you guys about at the convelescent hospital. Had some pretty lively spectators today. This job pays pretty well but I don't get my money for 60 days.
Finished a three day job today. I have not been a 100% for a bit between a cold and some lingering teeth pain. My guy Preston climbed most of the trees on this job and he did real nice work. The customer was over the moon. It sucks not to be on top of your game but having a guy step up and fill in is excellent. I sent him home today with some extra loot in appreciation of all he has done for me recently. Next week Dan, a great worker and climber trainee, returns from a season of firefighting and there will be three of us who climb, work ground and can operate all the machinery. I have some bigger jobs coming up and I think we are going to have fun working together the three of us.
Sounds great OM. How do you guys run the day when all three of the members climb? Do you all climb and then clean up or will one guy stay on the ground and help the two climbers?

It depends on the job. More and more, I think I will be the one on the ground. Dan and Preston have other long term plans other than working for me. I am trying let them have a lot of fun climbing and make as good amount of money as I can in hopes that one might stay long term.
I got to fly a bucket and climb today. I had to relocate two 'lil furry tree rats, I hope an owl didn't get them. I might actually get four days in this week.

I flew a bucket all day today.

Only had to remove 5 limbs.
Though 60' a piece horizontal across the second story roof.
The limbs were about 8' off the roof. Each limb was probably 16" at the cut.

Three blocks, three lines and two devices (GRCS & Hobbs) and the winch.

Big Swings.

They woulda been sweet videos. But whatever.

Here's some I got from the bucket.

And funny J trying to footlock.

Deva :)

Life is getting better every day.
I am VERY impressed with the rope cans! Clever.

'nother tool in the mental toolbox........
A couple more pics for kicks.

Not much room in the bucket, not to mention standing on a couple of blocks too.

Does anyone else find it hard to use the bucket scabbard with a full wrap saw?
I'm happy to impress you. Though I didn't think of it.
Funny cause everybody here does that, unless you're from out of fown.

But yeah it's great, save the lids, get the heavy duty, forget the wheeled cans too.

You can stuff 600' in a can with the lid on it. Very portable. One man can carry it.

Great in the rain too.

The 020 is sitting in it.

Also with the cans it's a snap to get hockles out so you (actually they)
can let work run without fear of catching a rat's nest.