How'd it go today?

How are your fingers?

Electric socks!

There is a saying in the outdoors that if your feet are cold, you're not wearing enough hats. Keeping your core, head, neck warm allows more blood flow to your feet.

Hydration keeps your blood thin. Thermoses of soup, bone broth (really healthful), tea, warm water. Its hard to drink enough while working/ living in the cold.
Both options look interesting. My finger tips vary, they get cold, but not terrible. Only wearing insulated atlas too. Was single digits out there today. Surrounded by iron doesnt help, open cab. I clearly do not drink enough in winter, thats a fact.
Bring a big thermos of some kind of tea/herbal tea or hot water and sip on it throughout the day. My favorite on cold days is a big spoonful of miso dissolved in a hot water thermos. Warming and rejuvenating at the same time.
Brendon. When your feet get cold actively curl and uncurl your toes. It works. If all else fails. Jumping jacks. The toe thing is what you do on the way up a ski lift when you can't move around. Make sure your boot/sock set up isn't to tight. My ski boots will freeze my toes off if I try to stuff any kind of sock into them. With bare feet they're toasty just because of the bit of room.
It becomes a never ending cycle .Carry in firewood and plow out the driveway which I'm about to do .Ye olde Jeep is warming up as I type .About 10-15 minutes I'll be done with --for a while that is .
Now I'll tell ya one to keep from freezing your feet off ,panyhose .I got the idea from the guys that worked on the transAlaska pipe line .It works,why I have no idea .I think it was '84-'85 and I worked on a 42 mile section of 20" gas line .The coldest winter I ever remember,worse than this .

I had my artic gear I got from my navy days,mickey mouse boots with felt liners and two pairs of long underwear and---panty hose .Brutal,10-15 below once 23 below and wind .They never shut off the big Caterpiller side boom tractors and Cat 245 excavators for weeks on end.I have no desire to ever repeat that experiance .
Started yesterday afternoon when the tractor wouldn't start, even after trying to jump it.
Bad battery.
To make things funner, the loader is on and all the way down. So I got to wrestle a 60# battery out over the top. In 0F and 40 mph winds.

Battery still checked 12.5v but no amps on load.

Neg clamp bolt broke.
Wrestled in the new battery this morning. Beat out the broken bolt.
Started the tractor and ran the loader all the way up and placed the safety stops.
Life was easier after that to finish up the install.

No complaints really for the battery life, the old one was stamped made in Dec 02.
It had been weak for the last two winters. But at 150 clams I was in no hurry.
I spent the whole of friday logging mature beech trees and freezing.

Then I jumped a plane to Schweiz and am now sitting warm and cozy with my sweetheart.

Life is good:)
Spent the last Two days home pickin' banjo & taking it easy. Feeling better today.

Got some snow moved this morning. don't know why; there is a foot of it on the road they won't get to 'til at least noon Monday.:|:

Decided to take some private lessons on the 5-string via Skype. Start the first one tomorrow afternoon.
Good idea on the miso drink, Leon, never thought of that as something to sip on through the day. You could throw in a little dried seaweed or fish flakes to enhance the taste plus add nutrient, ala miso soup!
Leon, no idea. I've had it happen a few times in the last couple years. Got a physical coming up next month and I'll mention it to the little drill sergeant I have for a doctor; she likes to instruct me on things...:banghead:
Decided to take some private lessons on the 5-string via Skype. Start the first one tomorrow afternoon.

Interesting! I've owned a Banjo for six yrs and haven't found an instructor anywhere. I want to learn soon.

Randy look into Japanese Knotweed for any lingering symptoms of Lyme.
Decided to take some private lessons on the 5-string via Skype. Start the first one tomorrow afternoon.

Interesting! I've owned a Banjo for six yrs and haven't found an instructor anywhere. I want to learn soon.

Randy look into Japanese Knotweed for any lingering symptoms of Lyme.

Seeking that now. I live in the sticks.......nearly everything I buy I find online.