How'd it go today?

Nice work Master Blaster. I also like doing Live Oaks worked on one today which was buried in Jasmine top to bottom over the roof, pool, neighbors house, etc.., Buck moths galore too. It would been really fun climb except for the vines and caterpillars! Customer is very happy.
I'm open to suggestions, being an SRT novice. I have a pantin me out. Won't be buying for at least a month, got to replenish the bank account.

Fiona, i really like the ropewalker system that goes like this; HH held to chest w/neck loop or over shoulder lanyard, pantin, petzl basic on rope below HH w/foot loop bottom and hand loop top. you have to tune the length of the foot loop so the basic is low enough not to hit the HH on your up step, and the hand loop is long enough to allow you to place your hand on the rope above the HH. does that make sense?
Jamie, I've made the exact same system except that I change one thing. Instead of a hand loop for the basic, I use a piece of bungee that I clip into the over-shoulder-lanyard. This way the basic automatically advances itself (I'm using a Kong chest ascender instead of the basic, but same thing). It still needs some tuning on the lengths, but so far seems to be working pretty well.

To be honest, I haven't used it that much, though. For most ascents I just over-shoulder-lanyard or chest sling the HH and just pantin up the rope, a la footlocking. I've got a right footed pantin and I place my left foot on top of my right so both legs are pushing. The ropewalker only seems worthwhile to set up on longer ascents.
... I've got a right footed pantin and I place my left foot on top of my right so both legs are pushing...

I really wish more climbers would do this. It just drives me crazy to see one leg getting over used while the other one is just flailing about.

I have been using a rope rocket like you describe except the bungee has clips on both ends, one end clipped to the Croll and one end clipped to the Pantin strap, and runs through a wire gate Revolver that is clipped to my waist strap. This works great! There is nothing above the Hitch Hiker and you can unclip the Croll and Pantin and leave it all in place without it getting in the way, if you need to move around some but plan on re-ascending shortly.
Fiona, i really like the ropewalker system that goes like this; HH held to chest w/neck loop or over shoulder lanyard, pantin, petzl basic on rope below HH w/foot loop bottom and hand loop top. you have to tune the length of the foot loop so the basic is low enough not to hit the HH on your up step, and the hand loop is long enough to allow you to place your hand on the rope above the HH. does that make sense?

Yes, it does...I kind of like the idea of something more substantial to grip with my hands than just the rope, especially going up 60, 70' heights of tree work being explored!
Even my hubby asked the other day, how much is that motor thingy for getting you up there?? :)
Thing is Fi, you are mostly using your hands to hold yourself upright, along with your core strength, while strong, large leg muscles groups are doing the propulsion. You can still use handled ascenders, if you like, and just leave them on the rope when you are ready to work, then return to ascending. The handled ascenders are a easy addition if you feel you want them.

What about floating Ti-Bloc ascender(s). Any more aggressive than any other toothed ascender?
I learned that a Boxer is no match for a GRCS. I was using the Boxer to tension the zip line, and while cranking the next top up, we realized the anchor had been pulled about three ft.:|:
Today was not a great day.
...What about floating Ti-Bloc ascender(s). Any more aggressive than any other toothed ascender?

I just love the concept of the Tibloc and keep trying to find some way to use it. But each time it sucks! I think it is only good at doing what it was designed for, a small emergence ascender.
I really wish more climbers would do this. It just drives me crazy to see one leg getting over used while the other one is just flailing about.

I have been using a rope rocket like you describe except the bungee has clips on both ends, one end clipped to the Croll and one end clipped to the Pantin strap, and runs through a wire gate Revolver that is clipped to my waist strap. This works great! There is nothing above the Hitch Hiker and you can unclip the Croll and Pantin and leave it all in place without it getting in the way, if you need to move around some but plan on re-ascending shortly.

I get the concept sounds great do you have a video?
I had never really seen a live oak until I made that run to Florida few years back to ferry home the motor home when my dad had a stroke .They certainly are magestic things I'll have to say .
Dave, Your Pantin / Croll combination sounds like what I used in the Redwoods. It worked really nice, just walked up the rope. You have a foot loop hooked to the Croll, right?

Am I correct Willie?
Back in the land of sun and sand...looked at a job for the L'scape Co I sub for...a ficus removal behind a hotel's covered in dryer lint!
Finished a three neglected English walnut prune and live oak removal. Kids got to play over at grandma and grandpa's house the last two days as we were working right up the street from them. HO happy as all get out. The walnuts had really gotten too much growth on them and the snow and storms were creating a bit of damage. Should be good to go now. All three a bit over 30 years old. Biggest one was probably 50 foot high. One limb on the biggest one was probably as long as the tree was high towards the light. Cool trees. Hopefully I will get to do them in the future.
Our apprentice finished his advanced tree climbing course at the Forestry school yesterday.
In keeping with our proud company tradition, he was graded 12:D ( The Danish grading system doesn't use letters,like the American one, but goes from 0 to 12).

I asked him if he learned anything at school, that we hadn't already taught him. Answer was negative, unfortunately.
That's a lotta climbing - I'd be bushed, too. I slayed a big pecan with a 22 ton. Easy peasy japanesey!