Well my day is off to a friggen great start.. Kat went to work in the Datsun so I could have the van to haul the kids to church in. HA! Just as I was getting kids ready I get a call the Datsun is out in the middle of her parking lot at work, rolled out of the parking place. She tells me come get it or tow it. I was like... well?????? did you try pushing, rolling or starting the vehicle and getting back in a space.. "No". Why? "Won't stay in space W/O brakes..... I ask... you leave it in gear??? "I dunno, will it stay in a space that way because the brakes were acting up on the way to work this morning (4:30AM)". Yes dear, it will.....
Now I ask myself as I am about to lose my mind, why did she even drive it down an 8% grade for a drop of 1200 feet in elevation over 6 miles to work ???

She calls back... truck in space, I can bring van when convenient. I get on the phone to everyone to see if the kids are even going to sing in the choir today, see if I can get them there. Grandma and Grandpa will bring them home.. Kewl.. Rob will watch them if need be. Kewl. I finish getting kids ready and head for town... One of the cats stowed away in the van... GREAT... Kids all cleaned and pressed arrive at church, let the church take over and I need to see to the Datsun that was running fine and had great brakes yesterday. Low on fluid.. :what: There is fluid in the truck. No biggie. No one checks the fluids in a while I guess. Brakes felt ok even before I top it back off. The E brake has never been all that great... WTH??
Pretty much bull shit... She forgot to leave the thing in gear and now it is my problem and has screwed my entire morning up. OK... Recoup...
Now, I need to change out a tire on the Ford and get ready to go over the hills to the next town (45 minute) to pick up a 14 foot garage door and a drill press... After 12 and before 3. NP.
So days, I wonder... I think everyone feels it is just easier to make these things my problem and shut their FN brain off.
Rant Over...