do tell J, you are speaking foreign to me at the moment.
Sorry... data recovery is part of the job I interviewed for yesterday. D'oh!
Sometimes, you can take your "dead" hard drives and stick them in a freezer for a few hours. In some cases, it can get it to work long enough to use a CD-based live version of most any linux operating system to act as an operating system, thus enabling you to access a hard drive and recover some or most files if the drive motor, read/write head, or circuit boards aren't fried to oblivion.
Please note, that your mileage may vary and results are not always guaranteed.
As for how my day went... it had highs and Lowes. The van(my brother's) almost overheated on my way to take a tinkle test, while we were in a mile long back up due to an accident. I get to the lab, and they needed paperwork from Diebold(the company I interviewed with), that I was not given. So, I call, and the HR guy says he'll overnight it, I hope. Next we go to Lowes for a water filter. We get lucky and find some reduced paint for the kitchen(originally 20.00/gal, on clearance for 4.00/gal). We head home, and run into another back up, so we peel off of the main drags and ride the back roads of the county, home.
My brother calls my cousin, who tells him to come on out to his shop so we can figure out what's up with the cooling system. An hour later and a relay from an International Truck

, the cooling fan is now working.
Now all I can hope for is the paperwork to get here tomorrow, so I can either go tomorrow, or Friday.