How'd it go today?

I'm not certain it actually starts as such .More like an upper respritory infection that develops into pnuemonia according to what the doctors told my wife .
Glad you're on the mend Willard. All this weird weather (hot and cold) we have been having, has everyone one out my way down with one thing or another in the way of respiratory nastys. Have to be careful.
Yesterday cleared some area around a pond we have been chomping the bit to do. HO was not home which helped us get into it. Micro manager. Starts you one place and then get a wild hair up his arse and sends you into making a trail or what not. :lol:
Started restricted burning permit only yesterday. I guess they have been having too many wind events. Too many lost burns by HOs. I was reminded at the CDF station that they will not be so kind to those that lose fires this year. We have only got about 50% of our normal water for up to this time of year. No rain in sight. Going to be a spooky fire season this year.
I'm not so sure you can do much about catching a "bug " .It's hit people with no bad habits ,no smoke ,no drink,good diet etc .It seems to be one of those situations the body either has a built up immunity or it does not .Of course recognising the fact that people who generally have a more healthy life style probabley fare better .
I fair a whole lot better 3 years out of smoking and a couple out of drinking. My immune system seems better for it. My allergies and asthma and very co-operative though. Everything is yellow with pollen right now and my nose and lungs are screaming for mercy.
It's a regional thing no doubt from many causes .Most likely in that area of California from pollen .In this area it's caused from industrial pollution coupled with agricultural chemicals sprayed on the ground .

Fact the acid rain which affects little in this area because of the limestons sub stratta is carried by the air currents up into Canada where it kills the maple trees .Portions of Ont. are granite which has no effect on the acid .

I don't think it makes much diff where you live something is going to screw with you .
I don't know what it is about this year, but I am getting sick of getting hit with sudden squalls :X This has happened a lot to me this year. I was in the top of a P Pine today, bout 10 ft. from where I wanted to top, when I got hit with one. When I started, it was Sunny and calm...when that squall gloves, sleet down the back of my shirt, and freezing my butt off, on top of it all I had to climb even higher to make the top small enough so that I could control it better and it would not snap off and hit my clients house...I am sure that some of you have some interesting stories about these sort of events?
Busier then hell lately here still. Keeping everything rolling steady has been keeping me going real steady. Gonna have to take a proper weekend off one of these day to re-charge. Doing my best to be extra vigilent, I know when fatigue is high the likelihood of something going wrong goes up exponentially.
It's spotty and slow here right now. The weather is up and down terribly. A stable nice week of weather will get us moving like we should be. It's day to day work right now. Havent missed a day, but haven't been able to get momentum yet. It's coming and I'm eager. I need to dump money into tools and projects, but won't until I see that things are booking up.
About the same here and using them plenty as of the last few.
Started this ugly got it topped out and all the brush out.
This was the spot with about 40 ft to go. uploadfromtaptalk1336010901257.jpg
Oh, and speaking of awful. My day went great until I felled the last spar.

I think I win ugliest sump of the day award. And it sits right adjacent a pretty one....:|:

The first ....... :)

The Second....DOH!:|:
2012-05-02 14.58.39.jpg 2012-05-02 14.59.04.jpg

Oh well... Alls well that lands well. They were over 90* out of the LZ anyway. Probably closer to 120...:|:

Jeez.. I think I screwed the order up :|:


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Nice pictures Stephen. I wish I could take more pictures while on the job. Seems I'm always in a rush, guess that goes from working piecework most of my life.
I did take a "before picture" of some tall spruce this morning on a job in cottage country. But being in such a rush to get to the next job I forgot to take the "after picture" ha ha.
I really had to point the camera up high to get the tops in. I didn't have to climb the 3 spruce to the left rear of the garage thankfully seeing I was hacking & coughing all day, got permission to fall them into the neighbors yard ,only feet from his cottage. The big drywall T square made sure of that.

Feel alot better tonite, gonna be a better day tomorrow. The older I get it seems the longer it takes me get conditioned early in the season.
I have a slight advantage... HO helped and Rob got to take a few pictures between zip lining and lowering... You work solo for the most part.
Nice of the neighbor to help out with the LZ Willard. I usually have to fight for a neighbors co-operation unless it threatens their house as well...:lol:
I finally got the oak stump cut off .When I pulled it off with the tractor I couldn't move the heavy SOB because the tractor couldn't get a bite because of the mud . I get er done though by splitting that thing in 4 pieces with wedges and sledge . There's enough wood in that thing to heat the house for a week .
Nice of the neighbor to help out with the LZ Willard. I usually have to fight for a neighbors co-operation unless it threatens their house as well...:lol:

Earlier this week I was working on a removal. Neighbor was sitting on his front porch. I dropped 1/2 the tree in his front yard (on purpose). Bucked it up, carried it back over the property line, raked the small debri out of his yard and kept working.

I never asked him for permission. He never said a word. Just nodded and waved when I arrived and again when I left.
I had a guy sit and watch me for over an hour until I dropped a a tiny branch over his fence, when I came down and reached over to get it he called the cops.

Said I was trespassing.:roll:

Cocas Palms today, I hate them and don't usually do them now as they're too hard/expensive to get rid of but for an old client so I did them. Sore shoulders now.
Lordy, why not ask permission?

He might have said no. ;) Then I would have a lot more work rigging it down instead of just felling it.

It was day 2 of the removal. I could tell from his demeanor that he was a laid back porch sitting kind of a guy. Even if he got upset, it would have been cleaned up before the cops got there.

Sometimes it's easier to ask for forgiveness than it is for permission. :)
I always ask permission from neighbors or have the HO ask ahead of time. I have had more trouble with neighbors in business then I've had with homeowners. We had an episode last fall that most of you wouldnt believe if i told you.
Fiddled a little with a JD 316 mower, helped a neighbor lady with her fence then went to help dad with his JD 318 mower. It needs a new PTO clutch, electromagnetic type to the tune of $400 plus tax!
Then I got to listen to his spiel about how I need to get an attorney and get on disability, again! I don't know, just really not something I can get excited about for one reason or the other and I'm kind of tired of people pushing me for it!
monies money man. Im kinda tired of our system of late. Seems like no matter how hard you work you cannot get ahead. I often wonder if I wouldn't be better off playing the system...