How'd it go today?

Dennis, if I may answer, yes. I keep 2-3 towels in the truck at all times and just shake them out. They get rotated out and replaced with clean ones every week or two, more often in the summer. And when you're dripping with sweat and covered in sawdust then a little sawdust on the towel isn't any big deal.
It can get just as hot here as Louisiana .We most generally don't have the high humidity though .Problem being although you perspire in both places that hot the perspiration cannot evaporate in high humidity which is what cools the body .
Got pulled over in my pickup by a city motorcycle cop today in a revenue sting (4 of them hiding in an empty parking lot on a busy road). He said he clocked me at 54 in a 40 and asked for my license, insurance and registration. I opened my wallet and handed him my license and insurance card, then went digging in the glove box for the registration. He said "Oh, a Class B! Since you can't find your registration, I'll just give you a $10 ticket for failure to show registration."
I said "I'm getting it, just a minute."
And he said "If you can't find it, then I'll have to give you a $10 ticket for not showing your registration. Otherwise I'll have to give you a speeding ticket for 54 in a 40 which is $256 plus three points on your license."
I said "Well how about that. I can't seem to find my registration. I have an old one here but it's expired and this other one here is for my trailer."
He just gave me the $10 ticket.
friggin' extortionists. They are just looking to suck money out of people but stop short of sucking money out of people who need to drive for a living. Even though I benefited from the situation, I still find it despicable. And podunk municipal motorcycle cops only exist to generate income via extortion. I pass one every single morning on the way to get my truck at the school crossing and many afternoons he sets up right in front of the storage yard where I park.
Had fun in the wind today. Felled 9 firs, including one live one that was lodged in another, 7 dead ones and one more live tree. Pat made 7 spear cuts to get the lodged tree to fall free, while I set a line (via Big Shot) in one fir that had a target behind it (a house) The rest we wedged over, if wedges were even needed. All but one were 100-120 footers. A fun two hours...Customer was thrilled. So were we when he gladly peeled off 9 Ben Franklins. So was Pat when I flipped him two of 'em. I was so fast, he only got to fall one of the eight, besides the leaner he took care of. When you're hot, you're hot, eh? Even if I'm due for a rocker, or is it walker......


Then, I located a pilot bushing housing for the Bandit 250, that had broken. Found one in Cali, that's being overnighted here. Phew. The Bandit guy had said he could get one by Friday, from Perkins in England. But the Vancouver Wa Perkins dealer said that, other than the part that he managed to locate in Cali, word he'd been told was, that it might be 6 months before the part would be available from England.....Wow. either way, I dodged a bullet. Took the bell housing with the Twin Disc in, to get the end bearing put on, and a missing fitting installed on a new throw out bearing. I think the clutch is fine, they'll let me know for sure tomorrow.

Then, I just heard from another tree service, that the low life who stole 8 saws from me last year, ( I got 4 back) and has just resurfaced, stealing a bunch more stuff from me (some of which I recovered--two lenses worth $1000, compressor, chain saw and Red Max blower--still missing lawn mower, weed eater, and 335 Husky saw), tried to sell Ryan two saws, then threatened him with what could have been a gun or knife when Ryan told him to leave. Ryan called police and filed report. Different town from where my reports have been filed. Detective tells me that they are finally filing felony charges agains the prick...and will hopefully soon be issuing a warrant. There are now 3 separate cases....I'm frankly mighty miffed that it has taken since last August to charge the drug addled low life.

Mid afternoon, I measured and scaled the 5 firs (14 logs) that are waiting for the log trucker, who didn't show (2Moro, I hope!)...and flush cut two stumps, filed the 372 and 346, while I waited for him. Hope to net $600-700 from the logs, which will make that easy day be at $2175-2275....not bad, eh? Looks like 2250 to 2800 board feet....depending on how the scaling goes. medium grade..fir is tough to get much $ from these days.....

Oh, and wiley, we flush cut all the stumps, plus 3 existing ones, ALAP, as the customer can't afford a stump grind right now. It's amazing what a shovel, axe and garden hose will do. Nary a dulled chain.
That's OK. You seem to be a fairly tolerable feller...

As far as a faller goes? I dunno....what would stiggie say?
Going back to work tomorrow after two weeks off...Yes! Sorry you folks had to put up with me :)

That's OK. You seem to be a fairly tolerable feller...

As far as a faller goes? I dunno....what would stiggie say? :lol::P
I need to move my ass there.

Sold your Mother's RV yet?
In a manner of speaking .My brother is going to take it but it's still taking up space in my shop .

She got tired of being burdened with it and said if anybody in the family wanted it they could have it .I didn't want it ,my sister the Dr of pharmacy didn't nor my bro in Louisville.
Hot and heavy slaying a bunch if pines around a home in the woods, already quite a warm day, I'm pretty beat. Super nice couple residing there, four times they brought out food and cold drinks, along with damp towels they set on ice. Profusely thanking us all day until we drove away, even called us artists! 8) Great to work for folks so appreciative. All day long they stood outside and watched, not a worried thing, but interested, and as if they were anxious to help if there might be something that they could do.
Got pulled over in my pickup by a city motorcycle cop today in a revenue sting (4 of them hiding in an empty parking lot on a busy road). He said he clocked me at 54 in a 40 and asked for my license, insurance and registration. I opened my wallet and handed him my license and insurance card, then went digging in the glove box for the registration. He said "Oh, a Class B! Since you can't find your registration, I'll just give you a $10 ticket for failure to show registration."
I said "I'm getting it, just a minute."
And he said "If you can't find it, then I'll have to give you a $10 ticket for not showing your registration. Otherwise I'll have to give you a speeding ticket for 54 in a 40 which is $256 plus three points on your license."
I said "Well how about that. I can't seem to find my registration. I have an old one here but it's expired and this other one here is for my trailer."
He just gave me the $10 ticket.
friggin' extortionists. They are just looking to suck money out of people but stop short of sucking money out of people who need to drive for a living. Even though I benefited from the situation, I still find it despicable. And podunk municipal motorcycle cops only exist to generate income via extortion. I pass one every single morning on the way to get my truck at the school crossing and many afternoons he sets up right in front of the storage yard where I park.

I can't figure why cops want to hassle working folks, with so many other people more deserving of their attention. A warning should be sufficient.
Because cops are pigs. There's a fee good ones, atleast a few I know of. The rest are manipulative dirtbags that have a free ticket pinned to their chest that allows them bully society. That badge allows them to take out their emotional problems and social dysfunctions on anyone they want. My pathetic brother in law has always been one of the most timid people I know. Just a timid wimp. Terrified to shoot a 20 gauge shotgun at some clay birds with me at age 21. Mom still packing his lunches to this day. The loser became a cop a year ago, and has become the most arrogant, cocky, selfish prick in a 30 mile radius. Pulling over and nailing his childhood friends. Amazing what the badge did for his character.
It's the politics of law enforcement coupled with a "Barney Fife " attitude of a small town cop .

A few years back a little one horse town locally took it upon it's self to impose a 45 MPH speed limit on a half mile section of interstate 75 .Business was good,they collected thousands until complaints by the hundreds arrived at the state attorney generals office that put a stop to it .

A local Wyatt Earp type issued so many tickets of 31 in a 25 that the local mayor fired his dumb ass but not until they had collected thousands themselves .Sucks but that's just the way it goes .

Unless you have real good politics or have a family member in a position of power you'll never win a pissen match with a skunk of a small town cop .
I am going to go hack up some firewood and dodge some thunder storms today. Should be fun, me and splitter in zen mode.
We have horrible politics. I live in a county that is over run with corruption. Our county commissioners just went off to prison. My county is known on a federal level for being at the top of the nations list of corrupt places. The feds have rented several offices in Scranton for about 4 years now, building a gigantic case that will make national headlines when it finally emerges. They have eluded to the news that within a year or two, they will be ready to start cuffing people. The county beside us made national news two years ago when its corruption case took 30 courthouse employees out of office, including several judges that went to prison for taking cash from a private detention facility in exchange for sending children there. The feds have eluded to the news that when they emerge from the offices and take down Lackawanna countys(my county) corruption ring, it will make what happened 2 years ago beside us, look like small potatoes.
Pouring with rain here today. Calling around trying to order materials to make HH with. Had a sit down last night with my machinist and told him we need to get this on the fast track and get all of our testing done and get to market. He is so busy with his new full time job and building Wraptor parts but I feel the HH could be more profitable for us both than the Wraptors are.....
I was working with a top notch Japanese climber today, I mean really fluid and a force in the trees, the same fellow that was in the stick trick vid. He was riding the hook today, but at lunch he pulled out a rope wrench that he had just bought, asked me if i was familiar with it. I was dying to mention the HH, but i thought waiting a bit would be better.