How'd it go today?

When the crows come to town like they have lately this spring, the ravens head north. Up in Thompson, Manitoba north of here there are no crows, just big ravens.
In Thompson they are called "Thompson Turkeys".:lol:
Now these are real wiley birds, some as old as a 100 yrs.:O
I have, possum and damn armadillo! I plan on getting some beaver soon and if thing go on I may hunt up some coyote as well.
Good day today. Started late because of rain, knocked out a decent sized Oak and maybe over the house and lines. I usually don't use the GRCS but I strapped it on the tree this morning. The groundsman ability to let pieces run was so much better than with the porta wrap. I've got to start using it more I think.

The sun came out, then it got muggy as hell. :|:
Referring to those that enjoy it as clowns is a dick approach. That's like me calling you guys pussies for feeling the way you do.
I thought "smooth move clowns" was referring to the crows. They are smart, crafty buggers. And they can be a complete and total PITA if they get it in their mind to target you.
I regularly feed the crows that live around my shop. first come first served, on top of a covering over some slabs. Ever watch them hide food that they will eat later? They will consume almost anything. Smart birds for sure. Riding my bike I observed one killing a fairly large snake by pecking it's head. The snake didn't have a chance. Lots fly around my area, but no trouble whatsoever, and for some reason they never target my vegetable garden, as they do others. I wouldn't normally think that not biting the hand that feeds you, is within their level of understanding, but it just might be the chicken bones....
What's your take on magpies, sort of a crow like bird [more jay I guess] I find their a crafty bird, somewhat like a flying weasel.
Crows can be trained. I used to sometimes see a guy in Tokyo that had one doing tricks. They seemed like good buddies. Pretty cute fella and a crowd favorite. It seemed to like the attention too. Most people there only know crows as the birds that wreck havoc at the street garbage deposit sites, tearing open the plastic bags and making a heck of a mess. It's a problem.
We don't see many here. When I have been in Colorado Elk hunting, they are some sneaky little bastards. Fun to watch.
Made it back from Asheville, chilling at the house now. Had a great time working with Andrew and taking a day to drive Blue Ridge Parkway and check out Mt. Mitchell, bunch of photos to post up soon, probably gonna do a video with them since I have video clips as well, I'll try to hammer it out this weekend.

Thinking of getting up at 3 in the morning to head up to the Ohio comp tomorrow, have to wait and see how I feel later.

Just thought I'd check in on the house right now since I've been absent for a week or so.
Climbed and pruned an old heritage silver cottonwood today. Estimation on the homestead was early 1900's and trees were definitely planted before 1920... Fun climb, three huge leads, took out all large/hazard deadwood, and some minimal structural cuts.
Adrian, you've got it made brother. Free as a bird. If I was you, I'd be wearing the tires off the car going and doing everything that comes to mind.
I just got the best crank call! He called accusing me of screwing with his girl and wanted. My addy, which I eagerly gave him. Then he started talking about how he'd slept with my wife, even he couldn't stop laughing when I thanked him for keeping her happy because she's been mean the last couple of weeks and I can't take care of her right because of my back!
I'm going to keep that number for SAGS in the future! I know, it's wrong, but damn if the simple things can't be some fun!
I had a firewood phone call this winter. She asked if I had wood. I said yes. She asked if id dump my wood in her a**......

I wasn't even angry. It made me chuckle. My wife even got a laugh out of that and said "savor those words......"
I'm just back from a rec-climb.
We'd decided it was time to introduce Martin, the apprentice, to the joys of sleeping in trees.

We found a nice oak by the water and set up camp.We'd rigged a grill for in-tree use, so dinner was salad, home baked rolls and grilled leg of lamb.
The weather was excellent if a bit cold and the full moon was almost bright enough to read by.

We had a real good time:)

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