How'd it go today?

Yesterday the heat subsided just a bit,goody.Aside from the usual 10 hour work day I did manage to tune up a Poulan 295,what a dog.
I did the best I could with what I had to work with other than doing a major soup up job,the old silk purse ,sows ear thing.I can't believe that thing is basically the same as that 2800 I ported,which will cut at nearly twice the speed.Well,the owner is happy so that's good enough for me.
18 mhrs went 10 today. Thats good. Gonna take some time to make up for the 167 that went 278 though. Ouch
I still can't turn my head to the right very far but most of the pain is gone. Since I don't make money sitting at home I went and cut down a medium sized siberian elm. I put my ground guy in the tree to chunk down some wood. It was his second time on spurs. He was slow, which is how I wanted him to be. I trying to get him more tree time so he can make me and subsequently himself more money. Now I have to go dump my truck, go to the bank and then to the chiropractors.
Under bid two dead hickoyrs, underestimated how dead they were, rigging out fine but had to hang one limb after my groundmen couldnt start any of my saws. Climbed down 50 feet on the dead hickory and started the saw and climbed back up. Hanging limbs above groundies is my worse nightmare, some time I have to do it. Got tiger stripped on my back fast cutting a limb that hung in adjecent tree and shot down by me. The tip and slip works great if you walk around other side the spar.It did not tear my shirt off my back just ripped a small hole it(right sleve). Lawn dart! Only got 1 stripe about 8 inches on my back. At the time I was thinking, "this is fun"
Take that Omen and run with it.

The good Lord is sending you a message - "take the day off and drink a shitload of beer".

I shoulda listened!!!! I did the latter, but not the first part of the equation!!!
104 today, did the liquid lunch and went back to work (What, it's not like they can fire me again:lol: )
UUUUUHHHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do I feel like crap now!!!!
I shoulda listened!!!! I did the latter, but not the first part of the equation!!!
104 today, did the liquid lunch and went back to work (What, it's not like they can fire me again:lol: )
UUUUUHHHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do I feel like crap now!!!!

Amen Andy...I feel your pain...I'm wayyyy over my limit...Except I don't feel any pain yet..:D
Well I am back from shock therapy(not the kind some of you might think I need). The chiropractor got a little bit more of the mobility in my neck back. Tomorrow I plan on being a slacker and doing bids while my employee climbs some easy trees for me. He's coming along. His abilities will improve once I get him a real saddle. He using the one that Ed raffled off to Gary who in turn raffled it off to me. Its an OK saddle but I think floating d's are the way to go.
Took down a pine pruned an oak job 1
Dead wooded 2 huge shug.maples job 2
Dead wooded shug. maple and pruned 2crab apples (at a nunry)job 3
i did a first today. bucket wouldnt reach trees so i got my climbing gear out and relized i left my one spur at home this am :dur: so i brushed out both trees, called for my one spur and proceded to remove 20 feet of trunk in small bits on one spur:dur: it can be done:)
office work today, one bid, tons of phone calls from today and weekend messages. might get some few days work this week, its been slow but thats ok, I can use a few days off.

weather was dang near perfect.
Oh it was a bit warm here as well, suppose to be 108* wed.

3 of the stumps I ground were uproots, the dirt in the root balls was dry as a popcorn fart.

I didn't grind any ginormous stumps today, did a couple that were 26-30" diameter, nothing huge. I did find that it's time to turn/replace teeth, they were getting quite dull by the days end.

If you wonder if your teeth are dull, grind for a while, cut off the wheel and feel the temperature of the teeth. The duller the tooth, the hotter it is (less effecient=more heat), sharp green teeth are cool to the touch, fairly dull teeth are too hot to touch.
Hahaha true true.

Green teeth seem a bit harder to judge than regular teeth, plus I most likely wear my teeth further than most folks, a benifit of the added horse power. When we bought the RG85, they told us to grind till the teeth broke, then replace them.... never really understood why someone would wait that long.
Way to get in the right mind set for an interview Jason. Knock that off and go kick butt in your interview!