How'd it go today?

Its my own fault for not stretching and warming up before working. Just because it is 97 degrees outside doesn't mean you don't need to warm up before climbing.
Hope you get to feeling better soon Darin. Getting older sucks seems I always have something aching o-well can't stop time.
Yeah if I keep getting hurt like this I'll have to get one of those spider lifts to get me where my body won't take me anymore.
Yeah if I keep getting hurt like this I'll have to get one of those spider lifts to get me where my body won't take me anymore.
Hey Darin, I think 2 weeks of heavy drinking & bar fighting will have you back up proper in no time:D
No tree work today. Spent the day cutting hay. Hopefully will finish up tomorrow.
Darin I cant imagine the weight on your shoulders bro.

Dump my spoils today now off to see the mother in law. I suspect she has decreased by 10 % her health sence we buried her husband almost a year ago.

Got into a 20 M $ a house neighborhood yesterday, Do the job monday. Heres the pic. I can't decide to either climb up and cut in half or tie into adjecent swing over and piece it down.
For pity's sake pibes. The tree appears to still have a few live limbs. It definitely still has cones attached. It is NOT long dead so what is it that you fear about what should be a strong and stable pine spar?:what:
Sometimes attached cones aren't always an indicator of spar soundness. I've seen many dead pines (with some cones still on them) that couldn't be safely climbed.
Okey dokey, I realize that you guys are in wetter climes where decay can proceed more rapidly and you have different pine species. Nonetheless, am I incorrect that there are still live needles on the backside center branches?
I had to officially end my vacation and bid jobs this morning...I got all three,so this has been a pretty good day so far.
Ain't I a peach?

I am spending my day trying to find a position in which my back and neck don't hurt. I found one earlier and slept for three hours. My daughter decided I had slept to long and started jumping up and down on the bed next to my head, reminding quickly where the pain was. Now I am just waiting for you all to post so I can add my wit and wisdom to the mix.
That's cool. Now you can wrestle with the idea that you should have bid higher.

Naaa...I'm one of the higher priced guys in town....I don't see how some of these cats are making any money at some of the prices they're charging.Of course they usually aren't around long.
So far the day hasn't been as miserable as I had anticipated (it's not over yet either though). Went out with a freind last night. Sat at a bar I frequent for 5 hours. $24 tab, including my dinner! Got home at midnight, it was nice, ran into some freinds I hadn't seen in a while and got to chat with.
Slept unil 11am. My wife took our sone and went to her moms house and let me be. Worked on a Jeep for a bit. Stood over his shoulder and told him which vacume lines he needed and what to block off. Easy work!!! Went swimming for a while, haven't done that for a while.
Now I am going out to dinner and a movie with mama. I think I am going to leave the phone at home even:D