How'd it go today?

I experienced the same thing with my cut wrist a couple years ago, except opposite. I paid the hospital bill only to be hit with a separate doctor's bill a month later.
As I recall, Brian made out fine after arguing his case with them.

Al, I may have a ton of parts for that old beast; next road trip, they're yours, if you want them.

Bought a small landscape trailer today to lug the toys around with; loading an ATV in a truck with 4" of lift is getting old fast.
Some people can make small coop's amongst a community to get a group rate on Insurance.
Like 30 people together is cheaper than 1 family by itself.

We went to the Academy of Sciences today, Awesome Museum. Family time.
Crazy, I was looking at some things from a few years ago, whutta different world, time can make.

Tomorrow morning, Sunday ride up the 1.
I don't really know what I'm going to do with it Erik . I'd almost have to a frame off to get it right again .Engine needs rebuilt ,tranny is so so ,brakes not real good . The last time I used it I had a hard time getting it up to 60 MPH ,tired old dog this one .

Ha when the Chineses drove up the price of scrap I could have junked it for about 700 .I paid 900 for it and drove it 120,000 thousand miles .The old goat doesn't owe me a dime .
The last couple of Dr. visits I had, they wouldn't even tell me what it was going to cost. It used to be cheap, like $40 per visit, then the last two were $250 each. The last blood work I had done for Lyme, they sent me a bill, but never gave me the results.
My cousin had Lyme and said a blood test doesn't really tell you anything for sure. We had a tick infestation this year. Nobody got bit and no symptoms. I haven't really done much research, but being he has suffered for years before being diagnosed, I took his word for it.
Those are the kind you try to hang from a nearby tree if you can't drop them. Spend 15 minutes with a throwline and Big Shot instead of putting on gear and trying to climb them.
I really have no intention of climbing those trees way to skinny for my taste. There is a maple directly above them that I am going to use as a last resort. I would like to fall them. I have an opening about ten feet or so, but the biggest of the three I can't really tell how the fall is gonna go until the other two are down. I may have to trim a stub off the maple to get that one in the clear. I plan on shooting a pull line in them it should go smoothly. Oh yeah my brother Mr. Office job is dragging all the brush;)
It was pretty good today .Wifes family reunion which went well .

Tom borrowed my tractor and flail mower which is old as dirt to mow off about 1500 feet of fence line he cleared on an industrial site .The damned old thing gave him fits .Just like a an old horse,you have to know how to cox them .In the morning I'll get -er-done .

I can make that old antique purr like a kitten just like some of my old flames . By this time they are somewhat antiguanted themselves but who am I to talk .;):D
Did a small job this morning. Spruce tree snapped in half blocking a driveway. Chipped, raked, hauled logs, looked at a job, then went to a graduation party and ate way to much!
.Just like a an old horse,you have to know how to cox them .

Guess we've been doing it wrong; we usually just try to coax them. :lol:

Mowed some grass... did a quick bucket job (pulled some hangers)... threw the ball mount on the truck so I can scoop the new trailer tomorrow after I fetch a plate.
I really have no intention of climbing those trees way to skinny for my taste. There is a maple directly above them that I am going to use as a last resort. I would like to fall them. I have an opening about ten feet or so, but the biggest of the three I can't really tell how the fall is gonna go until the other two are down. I may have to trim a stub off the maple to get that one in the clear. I plan on shooting a pull line in them it should go smoothly. Oh yeah my brother Mr. Office job is dragging all the brush;)

Last one's I had like that Rajan, I gin poled them with another tree so I could take almost 1/2 the tree and fell the other half so I did not have to climb past 5" or so wood. Usually cedar or ponderosa. And like the Sqwerl said, high TIP in the other tree above ;) Use the BS to set your rigging in the top or descend down to it and rig it.
Made it back home from playing the gig. Think we had the sound system dialed when it was about time to go.:roll:
I am a little nervous today. I have to go in and have some skin cancer removed off my back. It is not supposed to be the bad kind, but still, I don't want to be cut on.
Best of luck with it, Gigi. My father has had dozens of moles and dark spots removed off his back and shoulders over the years, so far none of them have been malignant.
That's what ya git for being a sun goddess. Don't worry - they won't cut, they'll freeze it. A 'lil sting...