Did our yearly grass cutting for our one überrich client today.
He has a nice cottage at the top of a cliff next to a fiord.
We cut the grass and remove it once a year, in order to remove nutrients from the soil and hopefully give the wildflowers a chance against the grass.
Used to be a viable tactic, before we had 21 million pigs in the country. The rain is loaded with nitrogen now
Then we took care of my favourite " hedge". It looks like a hedge, but is actually a 20 foot tree on a near vertical cliff, that we give a crewcut every year.
Finally felled an Austrian pine
Pinus nigra and cut and split the firewood.
There is NO access for machinery. When the client first bought the property, we cut 16 trees down to clear the view. Then we speedlined our 25 ton splitter down.
Getting it back up was something special. I still have nightmares about that.
So now we split by hand. Not a service we normally offer, but how can you say no to a client, who never asks for an estimate and always pays cash before we leave the property