How'd it go today?

I got the mowing on the clearing site done for Tom .I can see why they had problems,6 feet tall cattails .About like cutting cane . Tough as if it were made of rubber .
Hope all is well, GG. Ain't nothing but a thang!

Just got home from looking at a large removal job, up to ~37 trees to remove for an airport's PAPI system. Treesmith and I are going back to look at it tonight as they need the bid tomorrow by lunch. Luckily if the bid stays under the magic number, they don't have to get any other bids. Probably 2 weeks of work, give or take.
Best of luck Gigi! =)

Worked my regular gig, then ran to the insurance company and the RMV for a trailer plate. In at 2:37, out at 2:45. 8)
I am a little nervous today. I have to go in and have some skin cancer removed off my back. It is not supposed to be the bad kind, but still, I don't want to be cut on.
Good vibes sent!

I have the pines on the books for this friday so I will let you kids know and thanks for the advice.
Had a new guy (experienced climber) out from Philadelphia today. Man, what an excellent hand. Probably the fastest climber I've ever worked with. And then, when he gets on the ground--it's just the same ol' routine: absolutely haul-tail until everything's done. All them east-coast, new-school kids have all the great gear, and can do all the foot-locking stuff real well. He's used to production-type work, until the job's done, and then going home with eight. Hope we don't burn him out over here, where you can't go home till 3:30 whether the job's done or not.

My (former) foreman is a terrible drunk. He's got so many DUI's now, that he's looking at loosing his job around here. I used to do the vast majority of the climbing cause he was usually pretty hung-over. Looks like I'm gonna be the new foreman now, and I'm gonna have to keep this poop-stain kid busy somehow; so it looks like I'm gonna have to give a lot of climbing over to him.:(

Life's weird. You work you tail off in order to become the lead climber. Then the company gives you a promotion. Then you demote yourself to groundman. :?
No! That's the really hilarious thing! They've said absolutely nothing about any kind of a raise!

Maybe I'll have to hog all the climb work.:lol:
What ever it takes. Or you could put the new guy on brush duty tomorrow so he second guesses himself that he did not live up to your expectations and really pours it on the third day.
There was a nasty storm today .On that clearance job we kinda got soaked to the bone .When I got home a big hickory had smased through the house next door .

Oh Lawdy he called bunch that owns a sawmill to remove it and a bunch of dead ash .Well they're loggers ,what can I say ,damned crude ones .

Got pics but haven't down sized them yet .It was interesting to watch through .
Gigi, I had a mole cut off above my hind end a few years ago, local freeze up, 4 or 5 stitches, pain in the belt line while healing but otherwise uneventful.
Day went well. I got a bunch of crud done that has been adding up on me. Just took the day off to handle stuff. Spent most the morning doing phone work and then went with Katy to town when she took the kids for swimming lessons and got the rest done. Then went and watched the kids. Lilly did really well for her first lesson. Came home and took a much needed nap with Levi and Lilly. Then set about getting dinner on the table. Pretty much a daddy day.
Lilly got more time with me yesterday doing the dump run. She is always feeling left behind since the boys get to go to work all the time and she does not. When the boys were little, Kat worked with us and we had her and often Wyatt to watch the boys while we worked. They learned to pretty much stay clear of stuff. Lilly on the other hand did not have that kind of opportunity as yet since mom works in town now. So the dump run is her work. She did really awesome yesterday saying thank you and please. She sorted out the plastics (some by herself) and get them ready to be weighed, Stayed right behind the truck doing it and was safe about it. She was so proud of herself :)
Then I took her to lunch and to run some errands. She helped carry groceries and bucket lids. She over all had a great couple days with daddy :)
Pretty much a good weekend overall for me and the kids.
I am going to take Saturday off next week so momma can have a day off with me as well :D
Carl, are you fortunate enough to know what that magic number is that you need to stay below? ;)

Of course, I was told outright but it should also be in the city ordinances/bylaws/public record.

Either way, even with 90 day terms (1%/30 days), it looks like we can keep it under the $25k limit.
Hello all

Been a while folks. I have been very busy. Hope everyone is doing great.