California Hillbilly
New Egg delivery came. That made my other wise frustrating day better. New mother board for the future build. New power supply to test my old box to see if the old PSU (#2) went bad. So far system seems stable. Good to have her back. Makes my office job a tad easier. Not to mention less info loss in my back ups. IOW.. no loss 
So now just a couple more items and I have a new puter
Customer yesterday gave Levi an Apple unit. Once momma picks a place to put it.. he will be (and is excited) a happy camper.
Down side of the day is that two of the dogs tore up a baby goat. So I am having to give ultimatums and load my gun. Kids had me to my wits end today testing my limits since Wyatt came home. Nuttin but bickering all friggen day. I turned drill sargent and had everyone calling my YES SIR faster than you could shake your finger. I have had to take some Percocet for my back that I have no idea what I did what to. Must have just lifted something wrong into or out of the truck last night.
Ended up hunched over cooking lunch & dinner for everyone because NO ONE stepped up to do jack shat.
Felt like I had an Andy day.
TG I go back to work tomorrow before I kill something. Literally.
Rant over.. Just one of those days.

So now just a couple more items and I have a new puter

Customer yesterday gave Levi an Apple unit. Once momma picks a place to put it.. he will be (and is excited) a happy camper.
Down side of the day is that two of the dogs tore up a baby goat. So I am having to give ultimatums and load my gun. Kids had me to my wits end today testing my limits since Wyatt came home. Nuttin but bickering all friggen day. I turned drill sargent and had everyone calling my YES SIR faster than you could shake your finger. I have had to take some Percocet for my back that I have no idea what I did what to. Must have just lifted something wrong into or out of the truck last night.
Ended up hunched over cooking lunch & dinner for everyone because NO ONE stepped up to do jack shat.
Felt like I had an Andy day.
TG I go back to work tomorrow before I kill something. Literally.
Rant over.. Just one of those days.