How'd it go today?

Damn Ed, sorry about your dog. :( Sometimes I feel like we be become more attached to our pets, than some of our own family because, in essence, they are family.

My uncle's surgery finally happened this morning around 0900, and was done around 1015. He spent more time in PACU than he did in surgery, and was finally back in his room around 1200. He did well overall until he started coming down off of the anesthetics. The big issue was mostly the "phantom pains." Hopefully in the next 3-4 weeks they can do the initial fit up of a prosthetic socket, but for now, it's just going to be recovery and basic rehab.

Tonight, I'm taking the night off to go see a semi-local band at the oceanfront with the friend that's letting me crash at her place. She's still relatively new to the area and not that familiar with the surface streets down there.
Bummer Ed, reading that killed me, I gotta admit. Got that funny feeling in the chest, I'm a real sucker for any kind of animal. Bummer of an accident.

Today we did the usual tree wrecking. I had been looking for some White Oak this whole year, for the floor on my log trailer. Finally came upon one. I asked the bossman if we can take a minute instead of fire wooding it, and load up three logs since the roll off was empty. No problemo, even took the truck home and brought them to my house. So I'm pretty happy to have some finally. Dropped those at the house, then planted two more trees. If I spent the same time I do outside than as I do inside, I'd probably be inhabitable. :|:
Damn Ed, really sorry to hear that. I'm a sucker for any type of dog really.

Today was good. Got to climb a nice Tulip Poplar at the end of the day, just standard dead wooding and pruning. Tomorrow will be interesting. Bringing in another climber, and me and him are going to prune a huge Silver Maple. Thing is, this thing has hollows everywhere, some pretty big, even huge. This beast has cables in it, but will still be a scary tree to climb. My first time ever climbing it, but Dad and some others have done it every year.
he made an air line adapter for the spark plug hole and put a bunch of diesel in the cylinder then put the compressed air to it.
If you can get the oil past the rings that will normally do it .Air works sometimes .

Hydraulic pressure works best but on a worn out engine the valves leak and you might only move the piston a couple thou with each pump of the grease gun but it's enough .Slow as a snail though .

Once I got it shook I put a socket on the dampner nut with a 3 foot cheater and humped it about a quarter turn .Then bumped it with the starter .Geeze when it broke loose it blowed oil out of all 6 holes for about 20 feet . Lawdy I was operating the starter from under the hood and when it was all over I looked like a rough neck on an oil drilling rig .:lol:

Ended this week exhausted. Tired all day, it was terrible. Deadwooded some trees in the a.m., then thinned some Maple leaders to help prevent them from stop failing in the afternoon.

Picked up another claw foot tub after work, probably throwing it on craigslist. Went to the house and edged out arounda new tree, and spread some mulch. Had pizza with Ashly and it was time to go to bed an hour ago.
No kiddin'. If you don't stop and smell the roses, you'll be pushing up daisies.
My Daughter's 23rd birthday party today. I took that liquid amber lamp that I was making and made it into a candle holder and a couple of girlie candles for her gift.
Went riding, then went to the house and burned a bunch of shit the PO left in a pile. Another day of burning tomorrow, then have to burn the shed I smashed with the mini xcavator.
Took the wife on a lunch date and a movie afterwards. Came home and changed the fuel filters on the 250. Looked at some trees, got the job! Going for a paddle in the am.
Got the wife's birthday present nailed down today (well, deposit paid at least) - have to exact a few weeks of solid work out of myself to cover the rest.
It's a surprise, but I'll put pictures up after she gets it on the 13th.
Clipped all the hedges that some fool planted 18 years ago when I bought this place.

Then I harvested a bunch of Basil ( Genovese & Greek) and made pesto in huge amounts. It keeps well in the freezer and sure brightens a meal in the dead of winter.

That greenhouse I gave my wife when she retired sure produces some good stuff:)
