How'd it go today?

Yesterday was Amy's and my 2 year wedding anniversary. We will be going on a camping trip to celebrate this weekend at Walupt Lake between Mt. St. Helens and Mt. Adams. Some campfires, hiking, climbing, maybe swinging (from trees, just set one up at my house), canoeing or sailing (I think that I'll be trading for some of a job with a customer for a '72 Banshee little sail boat). Rupert will be going too, and up for his second canoeing or first sailing voyage.
Went to take my boy's "new-to-him" car 180 miles away only to discover it has no power at WOT and have it blow and oil seal under the timing belt cover. Limped into his driveway leaving him with STILL no vehicle. :Sad:

It's a 1996 Ford Escort. I'm thinking the fuel is either the pump, filter or computer. As for the oil, haven't gotten a good look yet.

Any suggestions other than dumping it in the junk yard?
A couple ideas there to fight the leaf eaters, thanks. Little green or black larvae crawlers, I believe the children of a small white moth I often see flittering around the cabbage.
I wonder where they found all that wood? Is the forest packed with 'lil trees?

Limb wood maybe? Duno

Some was cut green trees, understory mountain hemlock, a lot was dead snags or downed wood of the same species. The stand where these camps were located is at about 4000 feet, and is less than 100 years old...burned off by natural fire and regenerated naturally too, I believe.

So there's lots of stems per acre and lots that have been shaded out, lost the competition for space.
Went to take my boy's "new-to-him" car 180 miles away only to discover it has no power at WOT and have it blow and oil seal under the timing belt cover. Limped into his driveway leaving him with STILL no vehicle. :Sad:

It's a 1996 Ford Escort. I'm thinking the fuel is either the pump, filter or computer. As for the oil, haven't gotten a good look yet.

Any suggestions other than dumping it in the junk yard?

Lemon Law? I'd seriously try to offload it before dumping a ton of money in an Escort; they're fraught with problems.
Finished up the job we did yesterday. Got there this morning, guy rubbed me the wrong way. I guess we broke a leaf on his Hydrangea, and it hadn't left his mind. He said "watch out for the hedge, you guys demolished my Hydrangea yesterday". I took a walk over to it with him, asking him to show me where we messed up. He really couldn't, one stem was leaning over from falling off a broken branch he had leaning against it as a support. He wouldn't forget it though, and had nothing to say about the flawless job we did over his beloved perennial gardens and annuals. Like we weren't there, but that leaning branch was stuck in his head. In the end, the nice guy I always am to people, I took off $100. I told him it's $100 less, since you decided to do these other trees while we were here, and since we "demolished your Hydrangea". Had nothing to say, no thank you, no nothing. Eat shit old man.

Next job was three Birch take downs. They made us sandwiches, and gave us ice cream cones. Gotta love it.
You just can't please people like hat Brendon.. Was nice you had a customer afterwards that showed you how much hey appreciated your worth ;)
Just earmark that customer's name and never work for him again.. Or, charge more in case :lol:

that's funny Craig... Only difference about a company as like that here instead of there, everything would be hand printed in almost illegible writing with little phone numbers hanging from you just tear off... :roll:

Thistle, trails and a touch up on some weeds today on two smaller jobs. Thunderstorms are starting to possibly roll in and I can see they will be in Yosemite. Tomorrow afternoon the thunderstorms are supposed to be a definite at our elevation. See what happens.

Second thought Craig.. I am just jealous I did not think of that catchy name first.........


It's been a day of ups and downs, mostly downs, but hey I've still got no major reasons to complain. I'm getting out of here early in the morning, since I found out at 1700 hrs that they are going to be doing a below the knee(probably mid-calf) amputation tomorrow on my uncle, and that I didn't make the cut for the RN program. Oh well, I'm still in the CNA program, and I get a year to bang out more prerequisites and try to get myself in line to transfer after the Spring semester, since the local school is having issues with accreditation. It's not the exact way I was hoping for things to turn out, but I'm looking at the positives in all of it.
Played around with a 'new to me' style of ascending trees today. DRT w/Pantin on one foot and loop on the other. Had Hitchclimber hooked to my buck strap over my shoulder. I was very happy with the results. It was much easier than footlocking or humping. Went up, did a bit of work in the tree, and came back down three times, unhooking everything and hooking it back up again. The extra stuff on my saddle didn't seem to get in the way at all, I didn't even notice it was there. Just left the Pantin on my foot and that didn't bother at all either.:)

Thinking tomorrow I might try the same set-up SRT.:/:
I never could footlock so the Pantin was a huge blessing for me. Mine would remain on my foot even walking into Wendy's at lunch time. Clack! Clack! Clack!
I learned it because the only thing I was ever taught was air-humping and I knew there had to be a better way. I'm not great at it but can get where I have to...
We had a couple guys drag race through our lane shift today, one on the wrong side of course. Morons.

Then one of my guys had a Dr. appointment (check up on his foot after he gaffed it last week), Dr. insisted he come in at 2:40 instead of the 4 oclock that the nurse first said was available, when he gets there the nurse had the nerve to admonish him for not going home to change first even though he had to come back to work!

Otherwise the day went ok:) he just needs a license for ammo...:P

The PAL is a license to possess and acquire firearms, split into two types; non restricted which is rifles, shotguns and crossbows then restricted which is for non prohibited handguns. You also need this license in order to purchase ammo. To get the license its basically a 6 hour classroom course on gun safety then a 15 minute hands on test of loading, unloading and safe carrying practice. No criminal record checks, no waiting period and no machine guns or other weapons that the public other than perhaps the military really actually has any need for. Its pretty much a formality but I have been meaning to upgrade my license for a while, just hadn't gotten around to it.
I dont mind it, helps keep our crimes with firearms rate low ;)

edit: I think there is a criminal record check, when the license is issued initially, however I dont think there is any check when it is renewed and there is no check at the time of purchase.
Been a long last few weeks here. Between trying to get in a lot of hours and looking for a house to move into with some friends, its finally coming together here. We signed the lease for a place last week, and I helped them move in yesterday, since I had a rain day. I'm moving in over the weekend, when Dad's truck is free and it isn't raining. Shouldn't take too long. Just have my bed and a small dresser I'm taking with that needs to be carried by the truck. The rest I can haul in my car.

Now we just have to get everything set up at the new place. Friends are pretty well settled in, but we have to go food shopping later and stuff the fridge and freezer. Hopefully come July 4th I can just sit back and relax for a day.
Drove the skidder for the first time today, pulling out a lot of spruce logs from trees with Phellinus pini heart rot fungus. Only dropped one today, at the end of the day, ' bout a 40"er, took a lot of pounding on the wedges to take it over into the bush. Every tree that went today had nails in it.

Got a small sailboat from a customer. Prolly take it on our 4th of July camping expedition.
Fiddled in the vegee garden a bit, but losing the battle against leaf eating machine larvae in the cabbage. Trying to grow organic, and some bugs are laughing at me.
FWIW there is a book called "Companion plants " .It tells of some interesting methods of using different plants which when planted in proximity will fend off certain parasites of other plants.

One of the most amusing lines in that book told of a sure fire method to rid the garden of rabbits .Use lion dung around the edges .Even though the rabbits have never encountered a big cat they are endowed by mother nature to recognize the smell .Where to get said item ,the zoo .
I think it was marigolds that help keep the bugs off... If you plant them in close proximity... I'll check...... Companion plants I think was given to Rob by the master gardeners here.