I like cats...
Good morning, and Happy Monday! 
Couldn't sleep, so I've been up since 5:30. Any other early risers out there?

Couldn't sleep, so I've been up since 5:30. Any other early risers out there?
Good morning, and Happy Monday!
Couldn't sleep, so I've been up since 5:30. Any other early risers out there?
Unfortunately he never paid me for the last day I worked for him and so therefore I am booked up for the next week.
Oh well. I prefer working for people who pay me.
Are they associated with Gator Tree? Joe McLaughlin? His lead foreman was just murdered a couple months ago (surprise, surprise).
mmm, some folks get irritable when they don't get paid in a timely fashion.Not that I know of...but do tell, murdered? :what:
Not that I know of...but do tell, murdered? :what:
(bucket truck expires 12/31, not my birthday)