Good Morning!

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I have 3 stumps to grind today also. One of them has a city water valve right next to it. If I had to grind stumps all of the time I wouldn't be in this business.
Good morning.

Today is a paperwork day for us too. The truck is in the shop - nothing major, just a tranny flush and some other stuff. I never ask to closely, that's Tree Guy's thing. Off too pick him up from the shop shortly and we'll do a few estimates. Then go for long drive over an old logging road. J/K
Grinding isn't that bad, it's the maintenance that does it for me. I don't mind grinding a couple days out of the week doing residential work, I don't care so much for huge land clearing jobs with massive numbers of huge stumps.

Small stumps (under 2.5') are kinda fun, but that's because it only takes a few minutes to grind them. Roots aren't that fun to chase however. Dry spells cause the dirt to become dust whilest grinding, makes it hard to breathe.

Got the bearing changed out 2 hours ago, changed a control cable and some teeth, had to deal with some other shite and now I'm nearly off to grind till dark :).
I blew a hydraulic ram in one of my outriggers today. At least it isn't a major leak, but I have hydraulic fliud dribbling down out of the outriggers. Not good. Called 3 places and nobody can get to it for at least a week. Hydraulic House said the last one they did was about $1200. :O

Had a small 2" stub poke me on the inside of my forearm just above my wrist this morning, it's getting more sore as the day wears on. Swelling up on me and making it hard to stretch my fingers or make a fist.

Can't find the camera I just bought 2 days ago. Wanted to take pictures of the big fat dead pine removal I did this morning but the camera wasn't in the truck, so I assumed it was in my pickup or at home. Well, it isn't. :(

If I ever end up picking up another drink, it won't be due to some major event. It will be after a day like today with a dozen PITA little things all going wrong one after another. The kind of day where you finally just say "F it, I need a drink!" Well, maybe another day. I'm not going to have a drink today, it's not worth it. 8)
Found the camera, it was hiding on the seat of the bucket truck underneath a bunch of crap.

Having a heck of a time trying to find someone to work on the bucket truck hydraulics, but it will come when it's time.
Branch Doctor, Has incontinence been a recurring problem?

Nope, not at all. I just woke up feeling pissy yesterday. It doesn't happen very often, fortunately.

I still hate mornings though. Never have been a big fan of my alarm clock.:P
Brian... when life hands you lemons...

...cut them in half and jam them in someones eyes... that always makes me feel better.

Have I mentioned lately that I HATE mornings... and my girlfriend is a morning person... :|: :|:
Brian... when life hands you lemons...

...cut them in half and jam them in someones eyes... that always makes me feel better.

Have I mentioned lately that I HATE mornings... and my girlfriend is a morning person... :|: :|:

Word brother!!!! That was perfectly stated. Morning people are sick and wrong.:whine:
Had a small 2" stub poke me on the inside of my forearm just above my wrist this morning, it's getting more sore as the day wears on. Swelling up on me and making it hard to stretch my fingers or make a fist.

Brian, maybe try the hot cold treatment! :P
Eh...just another morning here, I guess. I was going to get up and cut some more mouldings, but Mother Nature said otherwise. The backyard is wet and muddy from last night's rain, and more is on the way. :roll:
Is the treadmill a painful experience Butch? I am glad you're doing that now. I guess I'm a little behind on how your recovery is going. Sorry bout that.
I just got up. I felt a bit lazy sleeping in but got over it quick. :D

Just need to return some phone calls for the business (hard to book things at this point due to the "when" issue) then I'll just putter.

Brian - glad you found your camera. Good for you for not having that drink. Hope it all works out quickly, easily and cheaply with your hydraulics.
shooter, church, wounded. Is this a modern day trend? What is wrong with these people anyway?
I'm doubtful of the report of "automatic weapons fire"-simply because statistically it never happens. These human scum typacally use comonly available self loading arms not the legal to possess but never used in crimes automatic weapons. In any case I hope that the shooter is made dead postehaste, that your friend remains safe and that noone else is harmed. Darin, tell your buddy that an ultra-conservative/libertarian is proud of his preparedness.
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I don't know Frans. I think once something is done once it gets repeated. Usually it is about attention. I have said it before but I think our media feeds it. Our endless news shows guarantee any would-be shooter out there fame.

OK- I just talked to my buddy, the stand-off is over and there are two bodies in the church and maybe another in the street.