latest update on the Jomo wrist saver
The prototype, which had underwent much changes during its early developmental stages, is in my possession. Thank you, John!
I must say, "It is a real work". Created by hand, by way of vise, hacksaw and file. With boltar fastenings, springs actions, leavers and traps. Oh my! So much thought and complexity went into this device. Much more that a mere simple image can portray
Aside for need of a few bearings for line guides the device would only need further design in the retrieval of the line.
They say, "Necessity is the mother of invention". John truly set the example with the thought and hard work that went into this unique device.
Now, whether it is practical is a matter of opinion, but one can not deny it is a true work of art in its own right.
It should be in the Smithsonian in the Americana archives.
Thank you so much, John