Spliced Rigging Rope?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Brock Mayo
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20 chins was min. acceptable by me, but I don't even weigh half of nuthin!
We also had to do 'muscle ups' on high bar
>>chinup palms away from face and then pop both wrists from bottom of bar to top
>>with head, shoulders part of chest
>> and keep on going until arms straight aget smooth motion
>> quick motion and pointing toes, no bends are very tough to orchestrate in the movements
But in end, always find these things help you if employed and timed correctly !!!
>> sometimes what was so tough becomes about self working plus just a squirt of well timed effort pulse!
Finesses to grace eventually.
Butterfly type lat exercises like for iron cross off the scale tuff.
Standard toes on ground , and hands each on like separate dumbbells/anything that rolls
>>roll straight arms out to sides and touch chest to ground
>>bring that back up with straight arms!!!!
Could only do 5 tops, seen more than 1 guy chip tooth on floor crapping out, ain't no game.
Lessons in leverage I will never forget, and so to is settling into cross quite a feel for leverage!
Have learned again and again learning thru body feeling goes deepest, and becomes most innate.
My aunt wasn't supposed to make it to 12 and caught polio at 14,never married, and great reader and thinker.
>> seems I might be only one of kids appreciated her and toughness (very)
Taught over and again to look at school as learning to learn, subjects just exercises in that.
>> especially became truer and truer even after her time in computers she never touched.
To athletics find same, learning to surpass self, and orchestrate for future life trials.
>> old times had other life/death weighted situations to same ends
>> now we use school, athletics etc. not to skip the innate, unspoken lessons earned in stages of growth.
Great post. I understand the pulse of an effort and finessing to grace. The concept of a pulsed effort is very familiar to me in martial arts applications as well.

And this concept... Pedagogy...learn how to learn, learn how to teach, teach how to learn... Was drilled into me by my martial arts instructor constantly. It took me a while to realize that he was really only a guide to a path and a process... That I was actually the real teacher of myself.

I see that kind of concept, Kenny, in what you posted.
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  • #28
Good stuff! Never been able to do a muscle up, but I practice with the kids at the playground. Some nice low bars you can kind of jump into it, I'm still not close...
Kenny, I'm feeling pretty good about your most recent teachings. The Cosine/Sine thing still eludes. I understand sin/cos as the ratio of the sides (opposite/hypotonus, adjacent/hypotonus) of a right triangle in relation to the angle. cos 0=1, sin of 90=1 and cos 90=0, sin 0=0.
Ropes are happiest/strongest running straight with no deflection (largest possible cos value of 1), and weakest when bent around something or tied in some kind of knot (cos 90=0).
I think I'm getting closer???
Muscle ups as smooth motion easier as pop up and roll up on rings than horizontal bar, as rings can drift out to sides and around for you.
No real count on those I guess, for if could do 6-8 at once were probably ending up on that equipment learning doing 20-40 individually thru workout day as fell off, crashed etc.
(i may truly attest that cold, steel, chalky, salt sweaty, high bar does not taste good for lunch or really anytime!)
The ratio of sides works, especially when realize bands of most leveraged differences to be creative in and yet not get bit.
>>clock model shows that in first 2 tics 6,12 degrees the loss of cosine/support/height is only 1 then 2%
>>but increase in sine is from 0 to 10% to 20% (~10% per click, correcting to 70.7 at 7.5clix of 45 degrees)
>>soft changes to cosine, but 10x that much change literally in sine, from nothing!!!!!
But really keep trying to show is much easier than that but to same ratios.
Cosine is simply percentage uniquely, squarely inline with the load force,
>>It is simple straight line displacing against physical force or space>> here looking at vertical column as that line
>> Sine is the drift/leverage off the inline cosine>>everything else but the cosine, the non of cosine>>so together contain all

Hand in picture must pull 100# weight sideways with 32+# force to hit 18degrees slant>>this will leverage rope tension beyond nominal 100# needed just for load to 105.25 to cover all forces
>>tangent use of clock left off to be clear and only works really notably in this first month on clock w/o other operations
>>tangent for tics 1,2,3,4,5 is simply ~11%,~22%,~33%,~44%,~55% respectively for relationship between load(or height) and side force(or drift)
>> w/tangent of ~33% @ 3tics/18 degrees we can JUMP from 100# load to multiply ~33% to get ~33# sideload....
They just don't teach this chit like this, and it is counter-intuitive yet so important in many aspects so Ancients pressed so hard to preserve.
>>this cosine/sine even in sound/light/electric etc. waves cosine first (like load applied pulse) and sine half cycle/90 degrees later (like side force pulse response)
>>thus my model of imposed load demanding tension support and tension make up any lost cosine of support not squarely dedicated column against load to set stage and tension
>>then sine pulse echoing thru support column sideways as force model just as/down to waveforms
>>most supports overload from sideforce pulse overload, rather than lack of support under lower efficiency.
This magician has 2 hands, must watch both!
i had to , for a time, forget what little learned in high school about this to go forward, then come back to it.
>> biggest thing maintained and grown was clock analogy for determining sine/tangent extended to cosine now, i always looked for patterns, reverse engineering stuff etc.
>>so round clock, became my decoder ring to instantly read more clearly what was going on all around me
>>most cosine/sine taught as like cosine must be horizontal or so brain stuck can only see it that way after a while
>>this never fit our gravity models tho of weight hanging on rope, tree felling, the whole linear force of vertical gravity
>>was very confusing, but then as i tried to grasp and call cos and sine as percentages, this seemed to anger and lose my 'experts'
(how long do you have to go to school to get stupid enough to forget that in 5th grade .5 = 50%?)
>>and if i tried to talk about vertical cosine lost another bunch of people that had been taught to use confusing Greek letters only for horizontal focus
>>stutter and fumble like translating to other language to use cos vertical and saying that is just not how it was meant to be >>>BS!
>> i never wanted to learn this stuff 'as well' as they did, sought more open fluency >> and found it in raw forces of rope and tree, kinda like Ancients touching rawer forces less buffered.
Shigo invited to touch trees to know them better, well we dancing with rawest of forces too(to know) in doing; so as our kind touches trees!
Clock shows most Natural pattern, to most Natural gravity loading line, not horizontal cosine, but can be used as such, for each season on clock simply repeats around with sines, cosines, tangents in tact

i benchmark an axis >> usually the linear force line (but sometimes from perspective of support column receiver of force line instead) >>that is my cosine
>>things on this unique line axis have 2 directions pro/con to the load
>>thus cosine is single dimension uniquely inline with benchmark force or support >>sine is everything else, the non of cosine
In mental play mnemonic i call cosine columnsine>>and sine the sin against
>>columnsine held up the temple roof>>Samson brought sin angle across to disrupt
>>but needed an equal /opposite to do so(the other column)
They tried to tell us in so many ways..
i think deepest l-earning is inside own body, and then after so familiar extend to world around;
i think this is part of Eastern mysticism of same into martial arts etc. that i found in gymnastics.
Being able to be be quiet enough inside, inventory self, physically BALANCE self in so many ways, so many lessons
>>part of all this is l-earning to push and coach self beyond, from younger lessons with external coach.
>>If can read, negotiate and command force and balance in own body, easier to see and understand to orchestrate outside of own, by extension.
>>even in conversation, if can wield, balance and leverage etc. the law with pen as only tool >>and command as mechanical leveraged control>>can be lawyer etc.
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  • #30
good stuff! it's going to take me a while to digest. I like the idea of mechanical advantage applied to conversation!