We got a summer-like weather a few days ago, like record heat by the air pushed up from north africa. I was grinding some spruce stumps at my parent's home and I was soaked by sweating, helmet dripping.... Then, it dropped from 24°C to -4°C in 3 days !
A lot of wind and rain in between. The frost lasted only one half day but the following wind and rain again chilled hard the area.
Yesterday, I replaced a tile and decided to clean the 43' gutter full of leaves and water. Until half way, it was just cold, but then, it became quickly unbearable for the fingers. I wanted to take it manly and finish the task, winding the arms to push the blood to the fingers. But that got me severely. I tried to relieve my hands in the sink of the kitchen, but it was worse. I was really bad and had to lay down on the couch, the stomash locked and all sweating. My mother, a nurse (a long time ago), said that I was in shock. Dumb idea to do it bare hands.
The people taking a bath in the frozen water must be some sort of allien.