Thanks for sharing and welcome to The Tree House! If you have any questions, most of us would be happy to help! We were all the new guy at some point, so don't be shy!My first wife and I argued a lot. When it got too bad, I'd just go live in the woods. Every one has called me Kaveman for so long, I don't answer to my real name. I spell it with a "K" because it changes the appearance of the word, making it more recognizable. It also helps to distinguish it as a name rather than a description.
Or it could be Stig as in Styg like "sky"@stig, how do you pronounce your name? I was thinking about it the other day. I always say "stig" with a short "I" like "ridge" in my head. It occurred to me it might be a long "E" as in "weed". Checking Google translate, the various Scandinavian languages vary between them with some additional accent in some cases.
It's in my profile, and can be further explained by my postings in "What are you Drinking Tonight" thread. If you zoom in on my avatar, the 2 Iines are Linux commands:
# cd /pub
# more beer
Ishphleming, Michigan, of course. He's a yooper.....and then there was Tex, I can't remember where he was from....
In England Stig has a hard G, well known Christian name, largely because of this..In Danish it is pronounced with a sort of fading I as in IIiii...........and no g at all.
My parents did me the great favour of handing me a name that can't be pronounced right in any other language, so to non-Danes such as my wife's kids and grand kids I am stig with a HARD g at the end.
Der Stig!
Classic Lt. Dan.....and then there was Tex, I can't remember where he was from....
I will catch myself on calls with friends with the thickest call center, I mean gas station accent, for hours on endGet me drunk and I can fake a mean accent. And I won’t break character for hours.
of courze I vant my dugs clean!OMG you nailed that so dead on. Zerdified Migrosoft degnishun. Would you like to have your ducts cleaned?![]()