This was the maple to remove on that multi-day job (40" DBH, ~85 ft, 6 distinct stems all over 50'):
Tree 60% leaned toward house, 40% went over fence towards neighbor:
After smaller stuff day one, took off 2 lower large limbs to get groundies ready for big limbs/negative blocking
Dealt with this on day 2; stem in the back going up about 55 ft leaning back toward house. Did not trust climbing to rig out due to break/rot/holes at stem base, so pulled it back (mostly successful, but some did end up in neighbor's yard; next 2 pics show cut above really bad part and stem stump):
Well, the contractor let me know on day one that the garage in the back, which looked kind of shabby, was due for demolition. Thinking about how dropping the stick might leave a major hole in the back yard, I asked if I could help. He said go ahead, just don't ruin the fence to neighbor's yard. I took advantage, and while I did break 2 fence boards, it was well worth it to once not have to worry about avoiding a structure...