More biners!!!
Animal!!! Very cool.
IMO this picture needs to be added to the rotator. 👍-snip-
Well, the contractor let me know on day one that the garage in the back, which looked kind of shabby, was due for demolition. Thinking about how dropping the stick might leave a major hole in the back yard, I asked if I could help. He said go ahead, just don't ruin the fence to neighbor's yard. I took advantage, and while I did break 2 fence boards, it was well worth it to once not have to worry about avoiding a structure...
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Sometimes I only trust myself)You need a ground person to run that rope! That is one wobbly pole.
Catching your own pieces of tree allows some good adjustment and finesse, even sometimes resulting in way easier landing of tree parts than when controlled by an inexperienced groundworker.
I often don't trust my safety to others, actually, as little as possible.
Snubbing (locking the rope in place) is not a good, safe technique there, in my opinion.
For a decent squirrel, a rope is not needed)Squirrel's about at the end of his rope. Might be ready to have a bad day. I don't think I'd like doing that tree at all. Nope...