The Official Work Pictures Thread

I'm glad I'm not the only one. That thing just doesn't look like oak to me. We have willow oak here, which doesn't have the stereotypical oak leaves, but it still looks like an oak.
Hi Gary.. for sure.. that lead was an oversized water sprout or sucker from previous hat racking full topping to the wood long ago… it was solid I put my weight in it, slowly… I only get great tie ins on removals… though squirrel climbing has its place… I did stab my eye today w a stick.. didn’t have eye pro cause all the excuses… got lucky missed the cornea and just got a blood shot poke. :) It’s a numbers game and ppe pushes the numbers back….
Cory.. it’s a live oak, completely different than anything east coast. No happy soft large leaves here.. these leaves get in your belt line under your saddle and your getting poked and scratched all day.. many spines.
Thanks man, I had no idea, good info.

Are they the same as live oak down Lousiana way MB used to talk about?
Crazy trees piercing the house, like a horror movie.

when I worked as a pre inspector for pge, I walked through many houses w weird ass people. I kept my head up and my hands in my pocket.
i thought they were either gonna club me and drag me to the basement or frame me for gramma’s jewels and cash missing.

That log truck is rad, we used to work w a guy from Mendo named Steve Turner w an old log truck self loader. I bet Jerry knows him.
Big ol' beech. Was it sick? I'd really miss seeing that tree every time I went home.

realtime edit:
Just saw you say it was dead. Too bad. That was a nice yard feature.