I'm moving to Slovenia, wherever it is.
I still have half a mind to buy a kayak. Figure I can fish off that to start.
I could use a little kayak time right now.
Stress is literally killing me this decade.
You get a bit more than a wake up with the Irukandji jellyfish. http://irukandjijellyfish.com/
"This is a 10 out of 10 pain that you are going to hang onto for probably six to 12 hours." That's if it doesn't kill you. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-12-30/irukandji-jellyfish-on-move-down-queensland-coast/8153122
That's from last year but I heard yesterday someone was stung, tourist I think. Most people know when not to go in the water, and not much chance of me ever going to Queensland again. Screw that place.
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The population of every species in the Gulf where I fish are at all time highs for my lifetime.....
At the risk of opening a can of worms I'll say, on the other side of the coin, I have mixed emotions because it seems that many species are being valued at or above human life.
You need some fresh grouper, snapper or tuna my friend. Certain species of shark are okay if handled and prepared right, but to me it still has a little twang to it that is hard to describe. Sharks MUST be killed, gutted and immersed in slush IMMEDIATELY to be fit for the table. I've never eaten a shark liver, but they are enormous. Shark liver oil is supposed to have some pretty good health benefits so maybe I'll play like the killer whales and try some raw. Or not.I ate shark in NZ. It was good.
I ate shark in NZ. It was good.
I wonder why sharks have oversized livers.