The Official Critter Thread

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I still have half a mind to buy a kayak. Figure I can fish off that to start.

I could use a little kayak time right now.

Stress is literally killing me this decade.

Come onnnnnn, you don't get stressed. Stress gets Jim'd.
I like it though I've never had severe stings, like from a man'o war.
Idk, just a little wake up zinger.
You get a bit more than a wake up with the Irukandji jellyfish.

"This is a 10 out of 10 pain that you are going to hang onto for probably six to 12 hours." That's if it doesn't kill you.

That's from last year but I heard yesterday someone was stung, tourist I think. Most people know when not to go in the water, and not much chance of me ever going to Queensland again. Screw that place.

That's pretty brutal. A lot of different species here but thankfully nothing that painful. One species, the cannonball jellyfish, is harvested commercially for sale to the Japanese. Never tried one myself but some years they can be so thick it's unbelievable. I can rub them on my face with no reaction, but I've heard of some people that feel a mild sting.
Ye, Steve, that's a little outta my league for thrill seeking :drink:
No, I hadn't heard about it Cory. I've said before that I'm no big fan of sharks. The population of every species in the Gulf where I fish are at all time highs for my lifetime. Being a fisherman, of course I don't like them eating a fair percentage of the fish I hook or destroying my cast nets. They cost local shrimpers a tremendous amount of money and time because of their propensity to bite through shrimp trawls as they are being towed. They could be called coastal coyotes or the pine beetles of the sea, however, if I decide to dispatch one, I try and make it as quick as possible. Even though I kill and eat both fish and game, I have great respect for most species.
At the risk of opening a can of worms I'll say, on the other side of the coin, I have mixed emotions because it seems that many species are being valued at or above human life.
You get a bit more than a wake up with the Irukandji jellyfish.

"This is a 10 out of 10 pain that you are going to hang onto for probably six to 12 hours." That's if it doesn't kill you.

That's from last year but I heard yesterday someone was stung, tourist I think. Most people know when not to go in the water, and not much chance of me ever going to Queensland again. Screw that place.

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Was the the little guy they thought might be so small it was not visible to the naked eye?

Seems like they had to put out very fine nets before they actually caught one.
The population of every species in the Gulf where I fish are at all time highs for my lifetime.....

At the risk of opening a can of worms I'll say, on the other side of the coin, I have mixed emotions because it seems that many species are being valued at or above human life.

Interesting that every species is at all time highs in your area, that is mighty good news.

Re your last line, I would say humans who show no respect for life by committing animal cruelty repeatedly and posting vids and photos of it and bragging about it, definitely have earned the right to have their lives greatly devalued. Virtually nobody likes animal cruelty and personally it drives me nuts. And apparently it is a fact that people who are cruel to animals typically over time move on to abuse of humans/domestic violence.

From my armchair, those guys are a scourge to life, we need more sharks and fewer humans like those arrestees.

Briefly re sharks, my understanding is that the worldwide steep decline in shark numbers due to finning, by-catch, and persecution is causing havoc with the ocean food chain cuz fewer sharks means more abundance of their prey which means less abundance of their prey which means trouble for the base of the food chain, which means trouble for the good ol human race. I'm told sharks have been around for 500 million years (longer than trees) and have survived the multiple mass extinctions, which shows their integral place in the ecosystem/food chain. Jeopardizing their existence does the same to ours. The old unintended consequences routine.
I ate shark in NZ. It was good.
You need some fresh grouper, snapper or tuna my friend. Certain species of shark are okay if handled and prepared right, but to me it still has a little twang to it that is hard to describe. Sharks MUST be killed, gutted and immersed in slush IMMEDIATELY to be fit for the table. I've never eaten a shark liver, but they are enormous. Shark liver oil is supposed to have some pretty good health benefits so maybe I'll play like the killer whales and try some raw. Or not.
I wonder why sharks have oversized livers.
I ate shark in NZ. It was good.

I came across some guys in NZ, who were holding a party for a 16 year kid, because he had caught a large shark.
It was hung outside the shack where they were partying.

Apparently this was what had turned him from being a kid into being a real MAN.

I was a bit confused by that.

Since when does tossing a baited line into the ocean make you a man.

I would personally think that dropping the top of a large tree, or something else where you put your ass on the line would be a better rite of passage, but then I am of course just a wussy commie Scandinavian.

Since they were all VERY drunk and extremely proud of their manliness, when I got there, I didn't bring that up.

I was taught as a kid that it is bad manners to put your host in a position , where you know you'll have to knock him on his ass.

So I was quite the approving fellow fish killer that night, but honetsly WTF?