Official Random Fact/Random Thought Thread!

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I get thorns more than splinters. Sometimes it takes awhile til I even know they're there. It'll pus up as the skin tries to eject it, and it hurts when you bump it on something. Popping them like zits is extremely satisfying. Dig a little hole on top of the bump, squeeze hard, and a thorn pops out. Might be better than bubblewrap :^D
I get little metal slivers all the time, best way I've found is to scrape the skin with a knife blade. It'll usually catch the tail and pull them out, without all the cutting and digging. I usually force myself to wear gloves, but I'm still taking them off for certain tasks, and invariably I'll find something sharp to cut myself on. All thread is probably the worst (followed closely by unistrut), razor sharp little hook if they didn't debur it, and they often don't. I never understood why people wouldn't take 2 seconds to take a couple licks with a grinder or file so someone doesn't bleed from their work, but thus is life.
I have tweezers that are sharp as a pin. They do double duty. They work well for getting under ticks bodies for pulling them off also.

Squeezing them out is about half the time for me. Under the nail are the worst ones. Dam Japanese.
I’m back. So much has changed in my life. I’m now the father of two adult college student sons, they went and grew up! I grew older, which beats the alternative as my father was fond of saying. “Blowing smoke up one’s arse.” Comes from 16th-17th Century English practice of using tobacco smoke and a bellows inserted in the rectum of a drowning victim as a means of resuscitation. Hence the expression used to express disdain for false compliments stems from well intended albeit ineffective methods of life saving.
Ya know, I really don't like cutting down trees :^D I've been dragging my feet on a job at the office. Boss' daughter wants me to take down some pines at a... spare house I guess you'd call it. It's part of the property, and isn't being used for anything atm. Some of them should come down. It's a cluster of white pine, and some are too close and growing poorly. However, there's two nice ones I don't want to see go. She wants to put up a farm stand. I don't know why the trees would affect that. If they're in the way, move the stand. There's plenty of room. The trees add visual interest and shade.

I have the feeling it's just a half baked idea that'll come to nothing, and a couple nice trees would be felled for no good purpose. I did the same thing on the office neighbor's tree where he wanted an enormous leader cut off a tulip poplar. I asked about it here. I dragged my feet, and he did it himself, or had someone else do it. I don't feel bad about it. I'd rather not be involved in dumb shit :^D

I don't think I'm compatible with the standard world. Seems like everyone's first thought is "trees need to go", and mine is "trees need to stay" :^D

What I think I'm gonna do is get rid of the crappy pines; maybe over jul break, then hold off and see if she says anything. She said drop them, and her and her boyfriend would handle removal. Dunno if that means I should smallify them or not. He doesn't have a big saw. Thinking I'll leave them whole, and we might be able to make some constructions for her goats. Easy to make them small. Harder to put them back together. Also why I don't want to drop the nice trees. Only takes a few minutes to get them down. It's 60+ years to put them back.
Got my parcel of salty licorice, and a box of oatmeal today...


The ad copy on the oatmeal said it had the flavor of ear cheese, so of course I had to try it :^D I'm pretty certain it's a translation malfunction. I believe the company I buy from is owned by east Asians and run out of Finland. The real flavor is cardamom and cinnamon(I hope!)

Anyway, the reason I'm posting in this thread is I buy a fair amount of stuff from Scandinavia, and it's always interested me that they mix in English on the packaging, even for products made solely for the local market...

Mostly English with a little bit of Swedish(I think)...


Ingredients and nutrition info is in Norwegian/Danish, Swedish, and Finnish, but the serving estimate is in English. I see it on snus cans also. Snus basically doesn't exist outside of Scandinavia, but the majority have English names.

Looks like pinecone preserves are a thing...


found via this article...

That's something I'm gonna have to try.

You also don't know trust until you've held a rock drill for someone swinging a 12-pound sledge.

And a don't know what huge responsibility feels like until you've been the one doing the swinging. That's a lesson I learned early in my USFS work. More fellows seemed willing to hold the piece than to do the swinging.

Fwiw, I was almost always swinging that hammer.