The Official Critter Thread

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Stig? Insensitive?

That is one thing I'm good at.
Being culturally insensitive.

Just read an article yesterday about how it is going in Germany with their " Wir schaffen es" attitude towards all the wonderful African/ arab immigrants.

Well, they expected to have most of them in jobs real fast.
Turns out that those with a higher education and a workable command of English, that they expected would fit right into the work place, didn't do so well.
Only about 5% are in jobs.
Apparently, having to show up every morning and put in 8 hours was too much for them.

Those who had to learn German in order to get a job aren't doing too good, either.
Turns out, learning German is REALLY, REALLY hard, especially when you can collect your " Oh, poor you, being a refugee/ migrant" check every month whether you learn it or not.

Being culturally insensitive, I'm not really surprised.

Just to put it in perspective:

My mail order bride ( Sorry Butch!) came to Denmark from Schweiz at the ripe age of 58.
In other words, this is not a lady with a fast, young brain, but a grandmother.
Within a year she was mostly fluent in Danish and had a job.
Tell that to my right foot!

Actually, my fellow Danes seem to be waking up a bit and joining me in my cultural insensitivity.

We've just revoked the Danish citicenships from two arab guys who were born here, but decided to go down and fight for ISIS.

Once theyve done their time in prison for " Giving aid and comfort to the enemy" ( That was a joke!) They will be kicked out of Denmark.

Honestly, I never thought they'd get around to it.

Made me one super happy little insensitive culturalist.:D
Stig? Insensitive?


Omg, that was a good one!

at the ripe age of 58.
In other words, this is not a lady with a fast, young brain, but a grandmother.
Within a year she was mostly fluent in Danish and had a job.

That is impressive. I've tried to learn spanish late in life to help otj but it just doesn't sink in, doh. I was wondering if simple aging and brain changes had a lot to do with it. As in, it would sink in much easier when younger. But maybe it is more due to simple addling ;)
I can rub them on my face with no reaction,
I warn you very strongly against that. Don't do that. At all.
You may not feel it but you are actually stung by hundred or thousand of microscopic venomous harpoons. No joke.

A small story:

When I was in the scuba diving thing, one member in our club was a scientist in a well known museum and specialist of these strange animals. He was glad to study them because he can touch them with no reaction. That isn't so common, because the critters are really very well armed to hunt and defend themselves and their tiny weapons are extremely well made and efficient.
To make short, during a trip on the Mediterranean coast to dive, he brought back one of these animals to show it to us. It was a big fixed species, not like the swimming ones called "jelly fish". It's really beautiful when she deploys her tentacles in the water. To teach us how they are made, he dissected it and presented the different parts of the anatomy. Very interesting.
But for him it was THE one to much more time. He ended at the hospital with a big anaphylactic reaction.
I can't tell if he did continue his living or not, but that could had very well put an end on it.
Dang, I needs a lynx

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I'd bet money it does, seems very well cared for, looks like by a vet or rehabber. Lots more vids on that cat, too.
Lol with my luck the cat would decide that the pillow above my head was a perfect sleeping spot, and I would wake up looking like an extra from the walking dead hahaahaha
I've got critter issues around my place. Friggen racoon(s). I got a live trap out for the thing and I'm hoping I catch it and not one of my cats. Bastard is holed up in my hayshed. Pushed the two cats out that live in it full time. Injured two of my four cats. If I could I'd blast the frigging thing. Hasn't gotten any chickens....,,yet.

Maybe I'll make a cool hat or something.
I am sure you will do okay with the live trap.

You might catch a cat or two, but they will learn eventually. We have had good luck with plain old dry cat food over the years. Just sprinkled through the mesh.

A can of sardines or wet cat food, opened just enough, works as well. Just make sure that it is either wired to the back wall of the trap or wired to the bottom.

The trouble with wiring it to the bottom is that it has to be far enough away from the pan that the coon can just reach over and grab the bait....and also far enough away from the back wall that the coon cant reach through the mesh and get the bait.

A dog proof coon trap is also a fair option if the live trap does not work.