In The News...

Cool story, 09. That has to be quite the ridiculous adventure, rowing across the Atlantic

Awful news, Fidd
To be clear....that military chopper crash that Dave posted was from 2005.

30 Marines, 1 Sailor Die in Helicopter Crash
Story Number: NNS050126-14Release Date: 1/26/2005 3:46:00 PM
Thanks Gary! I was looking for date but found none...thanks for straightening that out!

Don't know how I missed it...right there on top... :|:
"Bone-spurs" can stick to the back-peddle from the original lie about no serious injuries, since lots of the soldiers with traumatic brain injuries are able to return to duty. What good are brains for. "Bone-spurs" acts like he has a brain injury, and he's 'leader' of the free world.

Who would rather lose their right arm over their fully-functioning brain?

I"d rather lose an arm.
Ummmm, if this is true i very well may own an electric truck in the not too distant future... that's more balls than my f350 diesel has!!!!

I wonder why they don't think it's a star. Seems to me the right kind of star could blast out radio waves.
"Our preferred model is that they are coming from a neutron star ... that could be just 10 or 20 years old in an extreme magnetic environment," said Jason Hessels, a co-author of the new paper and astronomer at the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy in the Dutch town of Dwingeloo.