In The News...

Wonder if he had the mustache and beard(?) when he gave birth? Imagine being a nurse, or nursing assistant, and walking in the room to find the expectant mother(?). "WTF?!?! Are you guys trolling me?!" :^D
This must’ve fell through the cracks while Orange Man Bad has been playing on a 24/7 loop for the last 3 years...

Probably just fake news.

ETA: Maybe not...

Thanks hun...
Seems a bit silly with all the unlimited dark money floating around, but Barr is desperate to make some partisan news like this so it's not unexpected.

Doubtful he'd investigate anyone contributing to the right, but catching any of them is a good thing I guess., providing it's not just a scam to help take attention away from all the current White House scandals.
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The Federal Reserve report? Isn't **Trump's appointee in charge of the Fed?

I shared the article because it had a link to the report.

Pretty much says the same thing.
Pres. appoints chairman...orders come form the top.

Everything isn't a conspiracy.

The policy doesn't work. If it did, debt wouldn't be skyrocketing like it is and the trade deficit would be getting smaller instead of getting bigger.
Yes, the president does appoint the chairman and the Fed still answers to congress.

“Everything isn’t a conspiracy”

You’re right. is a union run website which makes it a shill for the dnc. No secret, no conspiracy. I know damn well where my dues are going without my approval.
The Fed board reads reports to congress, but is not controlled or supported financially by them.
The board is beholding to Pres & Senate who put them there.

I know what the site is...they just happened to actually do the article on the Feds' report.

Do you dispute the allegations of the Feds report? Do you think the Fed Board is bias against those who put them in office?
I didn't see it. I read both the report & article.

If it was overly biased where the report was not I wouldn't have used it...There are plenty other people running the story.

Did you read either, or just decide to blindly attack the source?
The easy way to determine which news is fake, is I read it, and if it doesn't fit in preconceived world view, it's clearly wrong; either through lazy reporting, or fraud. Makes it easy to sort various news sources ;^)
He could get a Saudi prince or Russian oligarch to buy Yellowstone or Yosemite at a super inflated price as he has done with his yacht and properties.
Read back to my posts before the election...his fiscal retardation and crooked way of doing business and finances was my biggest concern...still is.