How'd it go today?

The balloon went way higher than I expected.
We were a little over a kilometer up at one time.
Passing over a forest the baloonist said: " It is only 2 months to x-mas, I think I'll look for a nice x-mas tree" and took us down so we were literally touching the tips of the spruce trees.

If you mean, were we attached to the planet by a string, we weren't.

Just drifting on the breeze.

We ended up about 15 miles from where we took off.
When my dad turned 80 earlier this year, my wife and I gave him a trip in a hot air balloon.
I was going along for company.
Turned out the balloonist ( or aeronaut as he calls himself) needed some treework done, so we traded for a trip for Richard+wife and kids.

Today the weather was finally good for flying, so we all took off from my place on a frosty morning, just at sunset.

Fine trip, we all enjoyed really it, and I got some good aerial photos of my old homestead.

Stig, despite the age of your father is still young at heart. You have a very beautiful country!
Today I was not of inspiration to work ... I just went to the village. There has already snow. In the city so far warm ... 042.jpg 046.jpg 053.jpg 058.jpg
Tom and lady stopped out today .He landed about 3 months of work through the state which is good news for him .Usually about this time of year the work gets rather slim for treemen .

More good news according to the folks in England somebody is making after market kits for a 200T Stihl .So don't throw the bones away just yet there might be hope .Fact Tom landed his fourth 200 for $350 from a dealer a few days ago .

Three more days for me then over a months vacation .Enough of those freakin 12 hour days for a month.:D
Sweet, Al. I can't remember what you do on your main job. I guess 12 hour days leaves you more days of the week free for trees and firewood. Seems like you're always putting up more wood.
Electrical something or other, I think.

Thought that I might have a lead on a decent groundman. He said that he could pee clean in a day or two, or a day or two notice. What does that mean, not herb, I reckon. If anything, if he said he needed two weeks, it would be better than two days. Crank leaves the body quickly, right?
"Cocaine is a wonderful drug!" :)

I could let the "in a couple days" comment slide, assuming he had been cleaning up. Its the "on a day or two notice" that leads you to believe he plans to continue using hard stuff.

Personally I dont have a problem with people smoking grass, hard drugs make people steal though.

Maybe keep looking Sean..
Yea, pass on that fool. He sounds like he's into chemicals.
Weed takes weeks and weeks to clear out of your system.
I don't have a problem with grass, however coming in" stoned over" and not bring able to learn a bowline or safe saw procedures or to always keep the rigging rope stacked cleanly in front of them before rigging down a limb, that's a problem, imo.

BTW, I do knotless rigging a lot. There is still the need for skill building.

I would like them to get to get to the point of saving and making me money by them earning $15-18/ hour on the ground, plus things like ISA and other trainings, holiday bonuses, and the like. I want to look into an IRA matching account for Erik. The IRA might be some way off .
It's simple, for me. I'd just let them know that they would NEVER get a raise or a bonus until they'd mastered the Bowline and Clove Hitch. Easypeasyjapanesy.
I work with a contractor who runs his own show...has a little crane truck and all. He's fifty, has worked with me for a year and another fairly advanced climber the year previous. Last week, I was up in the top of a dead spruce and asked for him to tie on a pull line. TWICE did the line come undone. My patience only goes so far...he heard an earful. What I find funny is that it is ALWAYS a different knot that comes up when something gets tied on. Man people are stupid.
It's simple, for me. I'd just let them know that they would NEVER get a raise or a bonus until they'd mastered the Bowline and Clove Hitch. Easypeasyjapanesy.

Working with a Poulan is cheaper in the short term, but you can't turn a Wild Thing into a quality saw, and it will work for cheaper, but won't make you money or help you keep your stress/ frustration level down when all the little things add up to you being in a tree for two days for a one day job.

We do mostly tight quarters work. There are enough tree services around here that cheaper ones will do the easy work. Some is cut and let fall unguided, but frequently that still means choosing the right cut, executed properly. When I have had to work with maroons, its harder to do, all the while not making a mistake from frustration that could result in my injury or theirs, or property damage. I know you've worked a lot with untrained groundies when contract climbing, but for me, I just can't do it, especially when I have the choice. When I've done some contract climbing work, and as a condition of doing some work, I"ll bring my trained groundie to work the ropes.

Doing the same procedure the same way, that everyone is rehearsed with doing, makes things much safer and more productive.

When working for the 'man', I pretty much have my one co-worker to rely on (who isn't so roping savvy, as he's rarely had someone knowledgeable and competent to work with), as some of the individual parks' staff are lucky if they can use a chainsaw or feed the chipper without breaking it. Roping, forgettaboutit!
For the people that seem poor to impossible to learn the basics, you might invest in a notebook where they can write things down. I don't know how else they could be motivated, unless you want to add a pencil.
Nice Stig!

Been doing a lot of removals lately, the Gehl has been a huge help with them. Really want a bigger dump trailer though haha! Me and the Gehl might be heading east here shortly after the storm to help with clean up. Have a lead or two on using the Gehl, otherwise I'll just be going and doing climbing and ground work for a few guys. From what I heard NYC is getting hit pretty good, I know a big crane fell about 500ft earlier in the day, and a friend said his windows were just sucked out of his apartment.
I landed a crankshaft with a rod and piston off of flea bay for an 8 Hp Briggs .I gotsta show my stuff here .Tom blew a rod out of the side of a Briggs ball bearing engine on a splitter and I can fix it .Old Al's got tricks very few have ever even heard of .When I get it done I'll post it .;)
Today I have the inspiration. The sunrise was cloudless, and I went to work. But the weather deteriorated dramatically - strong wind from the Baltic Sea and has become overcast, almost dark. But I was able to finish the work before the end. 004.jpg 008.jpg 010.jpg