Al Smith
Mac Daddy
Get a good snoot full of brandy .Wrap up in a blanket and sweat it out .
I've got odd sleeping patterns .I usually get up at 4:30 AM EST which is 4 hours earlier than Pacific time .Yesterday I tuckered myself out and went to bed early so damned if I didn't wake up early and since the time went back to standard time it was real early .Al, is this your normal wake-up time, or can't you sleep either?
Using today to get my head on tight and back to storm work tomorrow. Got my nose mashed good this week and a mild concussion to go with it. Limbing a spruce laying on a house. A long 5" diameter limb was loaded up against the ground. I cut it from the trunk carefully at face level. Groundman grabbed brush to drag and disturbed the culprit limb. Sprung butt first into my nose. Harder then most men punch. Left my face hurting all week and a swollen nose and sore front teeth. Oh well.
More storm work this week. Suits me just fine.
Sick people need to stay home and not spread their sickness.