How'd it go today?

Taking break again this week as my truck is still in the shop. electric problem fixed, turbo fixed, now needs an injector. Glad it happened on the way home from the last job I had booked if it had to happen. Bill is a bit over 2 grand so far. Hope they don't find much else wrong.
Not much .This is my last day until the first of Dec. vacation .

I ordered some stainless steel flue liner for the stove .As it is the thing is an insert inside a masonary fireplace and you just can't keep the flue temp up to lessen the creosote build up .As a fireplace it is fine,wood stove not so fine .

I'll have to steel plate the venturii opening in the bottom of the fireplace and install 7" liner which should be plenty because it's only a tad over 12 feet to the top of the existing chimney .

Seems I had to get another bottle for my cutting torch set because some dummy didn't shut the valve tight enough the last it was used ---guilty .:(
Seems like partly, not much is working out for me whilst being injured, and yet, if I really look close, it is. Just little hiccups in the books trying to get stuff done and sticking to schedule. I had a mulch job that all I was going to have to do was drive a tractor. but the HO did most the work because his schedule changed, so Rob took care of the spreading and leveling. Splitter detent valve part came in wrong again. So can't fix it. Stupid cup seal. They sent the wrong size. Now trying to get with Prince and find out what went wrong with dat. Mean time, guy I bought (traded actually) a splitter from for about 1/2 price like brand new, is going to let me take it before we are square. So I am going to do some wood slitting on my arse while Rob does the scheduled brushing. Saw the Chiropractor today and I feel a tad better in the hip department. Foot raw and hurts like a little bitch. That is going to be about 1-2 weeks yet. I have a moderate blue oak removal and some pollarding to do, should be good to go with that next week. Funny how I can sit in a damn saddle 3-4 hours no problem and fly around a tree but can't be on my feet for more than 20-30 minutes with out feeling like I have a hot knife inserted into my hip joint. Let alone my foot being on fire. Weird shat. Kids are having fun looking forward to Halloween. Carved pumpkins last night. I'll post some pictures in a while.
Funny how I can sit in a damn saddle 3-4 hours no problem and fly around a tree but can't be on my feet for more than 20-30 minutes with out feeling like I have a hot knife inserted into my hip joint.

Be careful Stephen, sounds more like a pinched nerve in your back. That will transfer pain to your hip and can take a while to fix, I'd get a second opinion.

Good paying job today for a change. Tall skinny thing in between two high rise buildings, tiny yard but flipped the top into the drive way next door.8) Blocked the rest down.

Is it just me or does thinking "This saw's cutting great" cause something to suddenly change that. Bloody river stone embedded somehow, second last cut. Never liked that chain much anyway.
It's a pain in the butt every time I need something welded to run out to my shop which is 22 miles away so I thought about buying a little buzz box .Then it dawned on me my dads old Forney .

The old boy passed on to the happy hunting grounds so he has no use for it and my mother can't weld .So I went out and retrieved that heavy SOB that must weigh 150 pounds .It was made in the day they built stuff to last forever .
Had my first day of climbing in a long time today. Amazing how little it hurts, but tomorrow might be different. Took down a stone dead 60' double leader spruce in tight quarters at the cemetery. Every thing went well except the saw that seemed sharp yesterday seemed duller a wedge today. Could be the difference in sawing situations. One of those spots the bucket just can't get to and there aren't many climbers in the area. But it is still fun. Will quit when it isn't any more.
We worked with the east side arbor crew and one ranger, for a total of 5, with a tractor, bucket truck and bandit 250 with a winch. We had to clear a parking lot and few miles of road of snags and prune for road clearance. We knocked down over a hundred and pruned a roundabout hundred trees. At the mountain top parking area the lodge pole pines were like the layers of an onion. The more we fell( especially as day light built), the more we found.

Earned our salaries for sure this week. Only a light drizzle today after heavier precipitation yesterday.

Be safe man and good luck.

Good day today, got the 3500 back from the mechanics, they did a oil change and general check up, and dad finally had them fix the wiring. They had to rip it all out and start from scratch, last company to work on it totally screwed it up. Everything is up to spec now though, and we even got trailer brakes and the controller wired in finally, I was super excited about that. Been wanting to do that ever since I got the dump trailer.
SANDY FINALLY QUIT RAINING ON US. Cleaned up all the leaves and branches off our place and the neighbors (85). Re-graded the lane with 12-18" ruts. Pruned a couple of trees that were rubbing the roof of an out building.

Kickin' back now :drink:

we need a smiley with a shotglass :(
Rough day around the homestead with the missus. Better this evening, but not great. Having a high-need/ fussy baby is a strain. We were out of town in Spokane for a week for a conference for Amy, which was stressful for her, then I worked out of town M-TH, and the nanny/ babysitter was sick M/ TU, keeping her from working at home. Travel is tough, too. Always a state of transition.

Got a line on a '03 Land Rover Freelander (small SUV) with 25,000 miles from a rich customer that I know who can't get it started. He evidently hasn't called the dealer, just consulted the owners manual and some online searching. It has a radio code that must be entered (some sort of theft deterrent system, or something). Been sitting in the garage for the last three years without being started. $2000, as is, or he'll get it fixed then sell it for more. The closest Rover dealer is 80 miles away. Blue Book is about $6K. I figure a thousand buck (and hopefully a bunch less for a bunch of fluids being changed, some hoses, brake checks, etc). Figure to maybe buy it and drive it for a while, then sell it at a profit, freeing up my work pick-up for Erik and other employee to have full-time, and use the Rover for commuting to 'work' and occasional bids, and personal errands.
And maybe some drives up into the hills ?? :D

Pretty straight forward and easy day today. Also got about 3 more jobs out of it.
Pollarded a fruitless mulberry and slated 3 100 plus foot pondos for removal there.
Went down the street, sold the chips from that job and pruned and lifted a coulter pine. Set up some apple trees for January. Stopped and looked at a large blue oak prune referral from one of our friendly competition.
Picked up our new splitter I traded for ($500.00 for a new 21 ton) and came home
Made some corn chowder. Good day :D
I shamed myself into installing some proper wiring in my garage rather than extension cords running hither and yon .I had kind of professional half azzness .
I did some more work done on the plating for the flue pipe .Welded in a diverter plate . My son and the grandchildren came over for a little bit .

Made a plate out of aluminum to repair the Briggs engine that Tom threw a rod through the side of the block and installed another rod and piston .Done for the day .
I started running a fever yeasterday, but had to be an examiner at a black belt test, so I swallowed a bunch of pills, had a good snort of anticongestant and did my duty.
I'm paing the price today.
Sick as the proverbial dog.

We have 18000 trees to plant, so I don't have time for this.