It's simple, for me. I'd just let them know that they would NEVER get a raise or a bonus until they'd mastered the Bowline and Clove Hitch. Easypeasyjapanesy.
Working with a Poulan is cheaper in the short term, but you can't turn a Wild Thing into a quality saw, and it will work for cheaper, but won't make you money or help you keep your stress/ frustration level down when all the little things add up to you being in a tree for two days for a one day job.
We do mostly tight quarters work. There are enough tree services around here that cheaper ones will do the easy work. Some is cut and let fall unguided, but frequently that still means choosing the right cut, executed properly. When I have had to work with maroons, its harder to do, all the while not making a mistake from frustration that could result in my injury or theirs, or property damage. I know you've worked a lot with untrained groundies when contract climbing, but for me, I just can't do it, especially when I have the choice. When I've done some contract climbing work, and as a condition of doing some work, I"ll bring my trained groundie to work the ropes.
Doing the same procedure the same way, that everyone is rehearsed with doing, makes things much safer and more productive.
When working for the 'man', I pretty much have my one co-worker to rely on (who isn't so roping savvy, as he's rarely had someone knowledgeable and competent to work with), as some of the individual parks' staff are lucky if they can use a chainsaw or feed the chipper without breaking it. Roping, forgettaboutit!