How'd it go today?

It's a 275 gallon oil tank. The door is 18"x24", so yeah, I suppose you could mash somebody through it. Depends on if they are in fighting condition or not.
I took a gaff to the forehead once.. hurt like hell...

I had the gaffs hanging on the side boards of the truck, I leaned over to get something in the front of the bed and.........

Well.... yup, felt stoooooopid... :lol:
Pruning, canary palms today.

A gaff to the forehead. Lol.

I stuck my left inside thigh with my right hook,
I popped the end off of a weighty pine limb.
It jumped me up and off the limb like a diving board.
When I stopped falling and swinging I noticed I had stuck me self.
What a Rookie!
Ugggggghhhhhh, I am beat! I've been in Norfolk the past couple of days for what was supposed to be a basic reconstructive surgery for my uncle. Now it looks like if he's lucky, he'll lose a toe, and at the worst, a foot. :roll: I can't blame the doctors, only my uncle's stubborn pride in all of this.

The drive home was fun. I need to address some issues (fan clutch, I'm thinking) with his Jeep's cooling system, seeing as I had to run with the heat on until I made it into Portsmouth from Norfolk this afternoon. It was in the low 90's and humid... gah! :angryfire: Then when I got into Suffolk, I had to go help jumpstart a friend's wife's car so she could pick him up from class.

Either way, it looks like my weekend at home just got shot down and I'm on call in case they have to take him into surgery or anything.
Good vibes for the Uncle Jay... And you as well..

Finished day three of six on a job we do every year. Go back next month to finish it out once more of the areas we need to work on dry out some. Normally it is a 9 day job over the summer months and the HO ended up scheduling two more days JIC.
Lady of the house thought we did not charge enough and tipped us $180.00 :D
I was just .... Wow..
I had told them we were going to have a price increase next year and she felt it necessary to pay us more early ........
Came home to more goodies in the mail ...
Twas a good day :)
spent a long day four on a Monterrey pine removal, still have to go back for the 8' tall 4' wide last piece (the boss doesnt know yet cause he dont answer his phone and his mailbox is full:X). this has been one of those jobs. bid for 2.5 days, but we have yet to get a full day onsite because we keep getting sent to other jobs for part of the day. to top it off i bombed a piece of wood and it bounced onto the chipper:roll:, now i have to unbend the reverse feed lever and hope the hydraulics arent messed up. oh well.
I spent the day stacking 1/2 of this coming winters firewood in the woodshed.
Boring work, but with the high energy prices around here, very profitable.
I did some woodturning this morning and a bid. I'm helping my cousin cook tritips for a fireman's dinner/dance tonight.
Worked a bit, then went to my house. The guy I work for part time decided to leave me a gift, a Weeping Copper Beech to plant at the house. Why can he be so annoying sometimes yet so nice? :lol:

Spread two loads of chips while I was there, weeded, and raked some things.
Mowed lawn & did some school work & shot another Starling. New strings came in for my fiddle. Got my good bow re-haired two days ago & spent several hours enjoying how much better my fiddle sounds.:D Ordered some new headphones at Amazon.
Tried to weed the garden until it started to pour, so went quadding with the boys and had a nap in the afternoon.