How'd it go today?

This, my friends, is a homeowner job gone wrong......right on the road I live on. Didnt even ask me for a price.
I had one down the road ( three doors) a couple weeks ago didn't ask or anything. He hired another local company that soaked him. I probably would have told him no knowing his character but at least could have saved him some serious bucks. Ah well.
Funny day! Jesus was on my side.
In the morning a 30" dead Elm dismantle, only 1/2 the tree to rig the other 1/2 done in about 4 cuts. That was for a retired military chaplin.
The after noon was a dead wood two red oaks and a rotten old top of a Sugar at the back end of baptist Church. Nice test of my nerves!
Jeep shopping.. Tried to also figure out what happened to Katy's brakes.. See what happens. She really needs to get the codes read and cleared. Could just be all this moisture screwing with the circuits. I found on light broken and full of water:|:
Jeep shopping because that dealio in OK on the M37, I would have to go through the brakes before driving it home. My trailer ain't ready yet... Just too much more shat I can't pull off right now.
Originally I just wanted an old Willy's anyway :)
Made some dump runs. I need to get back out to work.. I am feeling the funk.
Sucky day, work went OK but I called my Tanaka distributor to bitch that the 20 drills I ordered 3 weeks ago hadnt shown yet, only to be told that they dont have any in stock and they are waiting for Japan to ship them:|: They said to expect a 6 week delay due to Sunami. I personally dont see them making it in that time:( Thing that sux is they were ordered well before the event, I think they just F'ed up and didnt place the order.

Down to 2 drills going into spring.......... I have 80+ sets of everything else, fat lot of good that does me...........

Sorry Jay for the whining over nothing compared to what happened over there, Ill just go cry to my Mummy,......
Bid this prize on the way home property owner's association. And had a excellent day felled a big oak trunk the city took out but didn't have the saw for the trunk, sweetgum pulling a elect panel off and two oaks with the bucket on a foot path.


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I used to do that but unfortunately not any more. As soon as you put a rope in the tree it is your responsibility, if it falls on the house now the insurance co. might make you pay the whole tab:( Like I say I used to do it but anymore with how crazy shit has got I tend to cover my ass rather than "help out":cry: Sad sad state of affairs.

now youve got me paranoid! they held, luckily, and our other crew got them down safely today. alls well that ends well. i did a sort of emergency oak removal at neil youngs ranch today. had a crane come out as the tree was a foot from the house, over the roof, and 24" dia. 6hrs of drive time for 4 hrs of work:|: some of the hairiest roads ive ever had the bucket on. we pulled up and i got out and looked at the truck to see a redwood limb the length of the truck on top:O. IMGP0322.jpg
That looks like a beautiful place, Patrick. Maybe one day I'll have my own ranch like Neil Young and Skwishey. 8)

A small setback today but only a temporary inconvenience. The pulley on my AC compressor locked up on me today. I knew it was going bad and had an appointment scheduled with my mechanic next week to get it replaced, but it gave up on me on the way to a job this morning. I was at a red light when it started squealing, I pulled off the road and shut off the engine. As soon as I opened the hood to take a look I saw the belt smoking, then it melted right off the AC compressor pulley. Had to get the truck towed to my mechanic's shop and that ran me $360. It's not cheap to have a big truck towed. Today's two jobs and Monday's job will be rescheduled and I'm already busy next week. The good news is that I can take the next two days to relax and rest up. Been pushing hard for the last few weeks.
That sucks, Brian. I guess that's why your AC wasn't putting out much?

Ran up to the cabin this morning to put the battery charger on the bucket truck. Poor thing hasn't been started since October; no surprise the batteries were a little weak.
Looked at this podocarpus yesterday, it's one of the bigger P. gracilior's I've seen. She was thinking about it having it removed because she thought it would blow over in a storm but I talked her into thinning and crown cleaning, she's stoked.


An excavator buddy called me last night, need a job done asap. A water main broke, and was bubbling in a stream. The pipe is right under a Sugar Maple so I had to fell and chip. Brought a load of logs to my house and smashed down the dumpster, amazing how much more you can fit. Paid the electrician, and just hanging currently.
That looks like a beautiful place, Patrick. Maybe one day I'll have my own ranch like Neil Young and Skwishey. 8)

A small setback today but only a temporary inconvenience. The pulley on my AC compressor locked up on me today. I knew it was going bad and had an appointment scheduled with my mechanic next week to get it replaced, but it gave up on me on the way to a job this morning. I was at a red light when it started squealing, I pulled off the road and shut off the engine. As soon as I opened the hood to take a look I saw the belt smoking, then it melted right off the AC compressor pulley. Had to get the truck towed to my mechanic's shop and that ran me $360. It's not cheap to have a big truck towed. Today's two jobs and Monday's job will be rescheduled and I'm already busy next week. The good news is that I can take the next two days to relax and rest up. Been pushing hard for the last few weeks.

Sorry to make light of your plight but it struck me funny, in Florida, ac is so important that if it goes out, you need your truck towed!
Now to sympathise, a couple weeks back my 2spd shift motor died on my bucket
Yeah Willie, one of my buddies that I called shared the same sentiment. :lol:
"Awww, poor baby can't drive his widdle bucket twuck without air conditioning!"

Actually there was no way to drive it for more than a few hundred feet without the serpentine fan belt. No water pump, no alternator, no air compressor and everything on that truck is electronic. Without juice the transmission won't even work and without air the brakes lock.
We finished our State Forest logging contract for the season.


Now we only have a couple of weeks left on a private contract, then logging season will be over.

I lifted and thinned the canopy on a large horse chestnut today , just me and no groundies.
The sun was shining and after all that recent logging, it felt like doing a rec-climb and being paid for it.:)

The feeling passed quickly when I came down to chip and rake the mess I had dropped out of the tree.
Ok day here today. Took down most of a large Ash Tree, about 3ft DBH, but about 10ft up it split into a bunch of stems, not very tall, maybe 40 or 50 feet high. Took me a little less than 2 hours to knock out. Dad took some pics I'll post up later. We had equipment problems all day though, so it was a hit and miss day. Also got to try out that 660 with 32" bar I hand sharpened, and man, that thing cut through wood like butter. Made me a very happy camper for a few, seeing how nice it cut.
Terry and Gerry just left for town. They surprised me by stopping by. I guess the phone has not been working on and off when they tried to call. So they asked in town where we lived and came on up. We visited for a few as I was getting dinner ready for the kiddos. They left and are going to meet Katy and I in town after she gets off work. Have reservations at one of the better places in town and I know the cooks and owner. :) Make a real nice meal and good steak if anyone wants one.
SO they are safe and sound here in Mariposa.
I tried to call Stehanson to see if he wanted to come up and join us for dinner but between our phone problems and I such I was not able to get hold of him.
Shite for a saturday. I popped a rib out the other week & the pain & lack of sleep have caught up with me. The only positive is that the GF is away for a week & has not had to withstand the tirade of verbal abuse & general malcontented behaviour Even the wine in excess and pain killers are not working tonight. It's an old injury revisited after slipping & falling a couple of feet before my ropes caught me.